App registration already exited, but no roles assigned. Waiting for AAD role to propagate[################################ ] 90.0000% This integration assigns the AcrPull role to the service principal associated to the AKS Cluster. So, in this case, I am guessing that I have to create a service principal which has access to all the required subscriptions? 3.Create a role assignment 4.Create a aks cluster with name rakAKSCluster and associate appId and Password. Not the first time I’ve been visiting it for help. My image pulled from the ACR right away! --generate-ssh-keys If you're using your user account, you should check that this API is available for your user identity. Hello, As long as your subscriptions are under the same tenant, then yes create a Service Principal that is scopes to all your subscriptions. (this is because I am repeating this step) And The portal notified me that I could only attach an ACR when using a managed identity. $ACR_PASSWD=$(az acr credential show -n $ACR_FULL_NAME --query="passwords[0].value" -o tsv). cc @Azure/aks-pm, FYI - I encountered this issue while running the Azure Tutorial "Tutorial: Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster" We can narrow it by using JMESPath standard: This should give us an output similar to: In our case, we would be interested i which returns us: Let’s keep the name of the role, i.e. Please do mention this issue in the case description so our teams can coordinate to help you. are you using --attach-acr option? You must assign the role you created to your registered app. az acr login -n learningaksacr. you are logged in to Azure using az login Why is Owner role required on the subscription? I found a bug which was closed but not properly resolved, so Im logging this AGAIN as a bug, until it actually gets proper attention. The below script will create an Azure AD role assignment that grants the service principle access to the ACR. So to actually This script will setup a new Azure Resource Group and Azure Kubernetes Service cluster environment also with an Azure Container Registry resource. Stop and Start an Azure Virtual Machine – The new way, Study guide for the AZ-304 Microsoft Azure Architect Design exam, The official way to Stop and Start your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. correctly. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. I'm using Azure Cloud Shell which is at the latest version (I think...). The ACR will live on a “shared” subscription. Once granted, everything ran as expected. This can be done using the az command below: $ az acr create -n ManiTempRegistry -g MyResourceGroup1 --sku Standard. az aks update -g $RG -n $AKSNAME --attach-acr . Create ACR. I tried with my ACR and AKS in the same resource group, and in different resource groups - but I received the error in both cases :(, Ahh, this was the root of my issue - thanks for pointing that out. "Waiting for AAD role to propagate", for almost 2 minutes. . Are you an Owner on this subscription? The next step create the deployment using the aks-vnet-all.json ARM template, after overriding some parameters: I will also show you how to grant permission for your AKS cluster to What could be the minimal role they would require to create the assignement ? I was encountering this error just now and went back through the az login process and then it worked. I ran into the same issue today and tried to do the same using the Azure Portal. Waiting for AAD role to propagate[################################ ] 90.0000%ValidationError: Could not create a role assignment for ACR. The same thing could be done in PowerShell using the Get-AzureRmRoleDefinitioncommand. If you have any questions please reach out. To do this use the docker tag command. You can switch between SKU’s by using the following command., I am getting this error as well, even though I am owner on the subscription. For this bit, I am going to assume you have a docker image on your local machine. Registry. To do this we use the docker push command. Create a Service Principal with the AcrPush role assignment: az ad sp create-for-rbac --name --role AcrPush --scope is a recognisable name for your Service Principal is the AppID we retrieved in step 6 above. the GUID. When you created your AKS cluster you would have created a service principal. The name for your ACR must be unique within Azure and contain 5-50 alphanumeric characters. To check that the tagging has worked just run docker images again. Azure CLI. In my particular case, I was running my deployment from Azure DevOps using a Service Principal to perform the deployment operations. seems to be an bug.Please notify once it is resolved. Note that the documented command uses the Application ID for your Service Principal. az role assignment create --role "Managed Identity Operator" --assignee --scope Create an Azure KeyVault. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. If you're unable to grant the above permissions to your identity (not all organisations allow API access for Service Principals) and you're using a Service Principal for your AKS Cluster, you can use manual Role Assignments to grant access to the ACR as per the following guide: Managed to resolve it by giving the Service Principal the following API Permission: "Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy". privacy statement. Now that you are logged in its time to start the creation. As this API requires admin consent, you need a Global Admin to grant access before it will work. Created the AKS cluster, in a new resource group (az aks create), Attaching ACR (az aks update --attach-acr), AAD role propagation instantaneously jumps to 100%, Using the same scripts, except for changing one subscription ID and the Service Principal and Client Secret, ACR already exists, at least since yesterday, ACR has role assignment "AcrPull" for the Service Principal (also at least since yesterday), Subscription Blade says my role is "Account Admin". az sql server create -l -g akshandsonlab -n -u sqladmin -p P2ssw0rd1234 az sql db create -g akshandsonlab -s -n mhcdb --service-objective S0. --attach-acr. To give AKS access to ACR we are going to use this for authentication. After successful login, before pushing, tag the local image with the login server name of the container registry. This seems to be an excessive permission requirement and against general security principals. 0% ... 90% "Could not create a role assignment for ACR. Operation failed with status: 'Bad Request'. Are you an Owner on this subscription? Your email address will not be published. I'm closing this issue as it was marked with "Answer Provided" and it hasn't had activity for 2 days. This issue has been tagged as needing a support request so that the AKS support and engineering teams have a look into this particular cluster/issue. For a Service Principal, you can Add a permission here: Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > {{service_principal}} > API Permissions. Hopefully this helps someone reading this issue, but ideally it would be great to have the az aks commands updated to remove reliance on the Azure Active Directory Graph. az role assignment list: List role assignments. Before reading this article, I was creating a K8S secret with the ACR information to access the images per subscription/namespace. Your email address will not be published. use your ACR the images you want to push to it need to be tagged with the login az ad sp create-for-rbac --name testAsigneeSP --skip-assignment. Have a question about this project? Just make sure you change the ARC login server and image to match yours. Thanks for reaching out. Details: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: From Azure DevOps pipelines we need to get access to the AKS cluster to be able then to deploy our Helm chart. OK great you have your ACR created and a docker image pushed to it. "},"requestId":"f0d7803a-c037-48ef-8486-a243f9cd0af1","date":"2020-03-22T11:57:26"}} I started with the AZ-104 (Microsoft Azure Administrator). Azure DevOps helps in creating Docker images for faster deplo… Once after we create the resources fully , we will be able to … "Could not create a role assignment for ACR. Cluster is created with command az aks create -g aks-rg -n testmsi --enable-managed-identity Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. Responsible for a lot of confusions, there are two. Hi there AKS bot here. that details the features and limits. To resolve this error, you need to ensure that whichever identity you're using to run the command has permissions to use the following API: Are you an Owner on this subscription. It looks something like this: az role assignment create --assignee $AKS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_APPID --scope $ACR_RESOURCE_ID --role $SERVICE_ROLE. So ACR like every other resource needs to reside in a Resource Group. Another workaround suggested by @andrei-dascalu on deleting ~/.azure/aksServicePrincipal.json hasnt helped either. 6. You read and agreed to our Privacy Policy. As I manage resources for different entities, I am often switching between accounts and under each account I have access to different subscriptions, sometimes same subscriptions but with different roles depending on account. hi , I am trying to create role assignment for getting below error , I have used both system cli and azure portal bash shell can you please provide me solution . Just change the variables at the top to match your setup. An application also has an Application ID. az role assignment create –scope –role AcrImageSigner –assignee ACR Tasks. az role assignment delete: Delete role assignments. Are you an Owner on this subscription? Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. In Access control (IAM) on the subscription I assigned the "Owner" role to myself (also yesterday). I do confirm, it's rare that dev teams provisioning AKS are owner of the whole subscription. I started this blog in 2016 for a couple reasons. Use the “appId” from service principal creation step in the command below: az role assignment create –assignee “appid” –role Reader –scope $acrid 3. Sign in Seems that when you reset the credential via the CLI, it generates a “GIUD” as the secret, which doesn’t have any of the non alphanumeric characters that the portal produces. In the Azure portal, click Subscriptions. Had the same issue today. az acr create -n learningaksacr -g aksgroup --sku standard. Believe it is a bug., az aks create Assign the role to the app registration. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)manages your hosted Kubernetes environment, making it quick and easy to deploy and manage containerized applications without container orchestration expertise. ACR allows you to store images for all types of container deployments including OpenShift, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes and others. Thank you @krowlandson for this post -- very enlightening and well written. Here we will use the Azure Command Line Interface (CLI). and select the subscription you want to create the ACR in. Before you begin. about the different SKU’s. Follow the steps here to create a support ticket for Azure Kubernetes Service and the cluster discussed in this issue. How come I have permissions to do everything, except this simple and trivial thing? If you want to see what tags are available for a certain container you can use the following command. This should be available by default for user accounts, but I guess access may have been restricted by a Global Admin? Depending on the size of the image and your internet connection it could take some time to upload. B References: QUESTION 3 You have … Great post! Token renewal may take up to 60 minutes. A better alternative is to use a Managed Identity for AKS, as documented here:, However I found this brings it's own challenges. To demo AAD pod identity we create an Azure KeyVault and grant read access for the created user-assigned identity. Below is what I tried and worked for me. when trying to attach the ACR to AKS. To do so, you need to create an Azure AD role assignment that grants the cluster's service principal access to the container registry. push your container images to your new ACR you need to make sure you tag them As such, you will need to replace --assignee $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID with --assignee-object-id $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_OBJECT_ID where $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_OBJECT_ID is the Object ID of the Service Principal, and not the Application ID which we would usually use. Now that you have the login server address you can tag you docker images using it. Create a Role Assignment for a User. Run 'az acr update -n --admin-enabled true' to enable admin first. You can use this auto-generated service principal for authentication with an ACR registry. Could not create a role assignment for ACR. It makes perfect sense that granting this scope to the service principal should fix the issue - but I suspect the only caveat is that the same principal must be the one who created ACR and AKS for the permission to be effective. The second reason was to share what I have learned and found out with other people like me. First, log in. If this can be done using across multiple subscriptions, that would be really nice. Even if doing it "manually", az role assignment create --assignee $AKS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_APPID --scope $ACR_RESOURCE_ID --role $SERVICE_ROLE, I have owner role still i'm getting the same error. If you assign the AcrImageSigner role to your user account or to the Service Principal you are currently using in Azure CLI, you have to execute az acr login again in … Reading Time: 3 minutes Share: Recently whilst looking at the Azure portal I came across a new section on the VM blade that I have not seen before, or I have and forgot about it. Notice that the --assignee here is nothing but the service principal and you're going to need it. Sometimes this causes the operation to fail with an error, but sometimes it only generates as a warning. If you use aks-preview it caches the service principal in .azure/aksServicePrincipal.json, which can lead to all kinds of problems. The following command will return the different credentials of the principal: With that we can sketch the important components for us: First observation, let’s get it out of the way: the ids. Same issue. When you created your AKS cluster you would have created a service principal. But it needs to be RBAC permissions on the ACR Registry to pull images. image to the correct registry. @SP-SuperPoney: If you are running latest CLI + extension and still see the problem, please open a support ticket with us. I am facing this issue too while attaching ACR with AKS using service principal as shown below. This is usually the case, but probably good to note this too. We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. here: Exit fullscreen mode. The combination of these technologies will illustrate how you can easily set up a CI/CD pipeline, leverage Configuration-as-Code, and Infrastructure-as-Code, and accelerate your DevOps journey with containers. In order for us to delegate permissions of a specific user in our directory, to access the Azure Storage Account, we need to create a Role Assignment for that user to the given role. Note that I am Owner of the two subscriptions. User, Group) have an Object ID. In this blog article, we will show you how to set up a CI/CD pipeline to deploy your apps on a Kubernetes cluster with Azure DevOps by leveraging a Linux agent, Docker, and Helm. Container registry roles see here. The nasty thing here is, is that the Azure CLI doesn't use the new Microsoft Graph API but the legacy Azure Active Directory Graph API, so make sure to choose the right permissions! Now that you have a Resource Group you can use the following command to create the ACR. Waiting for AAD role to propagate In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. It also eliminates the burden of ongoing operations and maintenance by provisioning, upgrading, and scaling resources on demand, without taking your applications offline. Deleting .azure\accessTokens.json and loging in again solved it for us. This may not always be possible, so I've outlined a couple of workaround options below. Same problem too, using az aks update --attach-acr to attach a registry on another sub (in which I'm also the owner). I have tried re-assigning (deleting and adding again) arcPull to service principal. There are 3 different ones Basic, Standard and Premium. All you need to do is delegate access to the required Azure resources to the service principal. I am sure like me, you have at least one Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster that does not need to Read more…, # Get the id of the service principal configured for AKS. az acr list -o table. Simply create a role assignment using az role assignment create to do the following: specify the particular scope, such as a resource group then assign a role that defines what permissions the service principal has on the resource Now run the deployment playbook with these 2 roles active to deploy the cluster and grant it the pull image rights. I have same issue - Waiting for AAD role to propagate[################################ ] 90.0000%Could not create a role assignment for ACR. *. I was encountering this error just now and went back through the az login process and then it worked. Are you an Owner on this subscription? az role assignment update Shouldn't Owner on the ACR resource be sufficient? Create the test service principal for which we will perform role assignment from within the AzDO pipeline. To do so, you need to create an Azure AD role assignment that grants the cluster's service principal access to the container registry. there you have it you can now deploy containers from your Azure Container Did anyone find a working solution or comments on path forward from Microsoft? Would it be possible to add a mention of this requirement to the documentation and/or error message, rather than it only requiring Subscription Owner? ; In the Subscriptions blade, select the subscription you want Alert Logic to protect, and then click Access Control (IAM).Note the subscription ID, which you will need when you create an Azure deployment. Just change the variables at the top to match your setup. Secondly, if you're using a custom subnet with --vnet-subnet-id $SUBNET_ID, you still need to provide a "dummy" value for both --service-principal and --client-secret. msrest.http_logger : {"odata.error":{"code":"Request_BadRequest","message":{"lang":"en","value":"Invalid GUID specified. These examples require: Owner or Azure account administrator role on the Azure subscription; Azure CLI version 2.7.0 or later 2. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. A good way to understand the different parts of a Service Principal is to type: This will return a JSON payload of a given principal. Not sure if that was what actually fixed it or if it just needed some time to pass before I tried again. Azure Container Registry (ACR) is a managed Docker registry service that handles the security, backend infrastructure and storage, and reduces latency by creating a registry in same Azure location as your deployments. In my case ACR is located in subscriptionA and I can't attach it to my subscriptionB AKS cluster. An example use, for automating the build cycle. 4. In order to use this you must enable admin account : Did you wait a bit? Not sure if that was what actually fixed it or if it just needed some time to pass before I tried again. To be able to to your account. connect to the ACR. Create an Azure KeyVault in your resource group and remember the id from the output. In this article, az role assignment create: Create a new role assignment for a user, group, or service principal. For now my solution is to generate a secret and use this secret in yaml to pull images. I'll open a support ticket. On a fresh account, I could not get past step 3 due to this error. Each objects in Azure Active Directory (e.g. For reference:- We choose the Logic App … A few key things before we run the commands: Create an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster In this task, we will create an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster. @TomGeske - do you mean service principal by kubelet identity? Automate Container Image builds and ACR tasks info. @aristosvo commented on Fri Apr 03 2020. az aks update -n testmsi -g aks-rg --attach-acr testmsi failed with Could not create a role assignment for ACR.Are you an Owner on this subscription?, deploying AKS with a custom Service Principal. Next, create Azure Container Register.,, Doc should provide better explanation on how az aks update --attach-acr work which requires owner permission, No role assignments have been made to the Subscription assigning "Owner", Created the container registry in a new resource group. That said, you have to create a dedicated Service Principal and assign the role AcrPush to it. We experinced issues with az CLI token. Azure CLI command to assign the ACRImageSigner role. Background By default, when you install an AKS cluster you can only deploy containers from images stored on public container registries like Docker Hub. Got the message "Could not create a role assignment for ACR. We can type This gives a list of all the roles available. I have configured an ACR in a different subscription. i am going to walk through how to create an Azure container registry using the I have an existing service principal, to which I assign the "acrpull" role for a newly crated ACR. Details: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:, (I replace some values in the guid, but I checked it's the same guid as my tenant id). Hopefully, you can find something useful on the site. Now lets allow AKS access to it. Here is a --verbose output : eric@Azure:~$ az aks update --resource-group $KUBE_GROUP --name $KUBE_NAME --attach-acr $ACR --verbose Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. To allow an AKS cluster to interact with other Azure resources such as the Azure Container Registry which we created in a previous blog Thanks @TomGeske for you comment. --node-count 2 In contrast to other Command-Line Interfaces, helm is not able to re-use the existing authentication token from Azure CLI. After assessing the verbose and debug output I was able to identify that many of the az aks operations rely on access to Azure Active Directory Graph (legacy). Already on GitHub? az role assignment list-changelogs: List changelogs for role assignments. Once the container registry is created, the image needs to be pushed. However, using a managed identity didn't solve the problem. In my case, with preview enabled, I had to delete ~/.azure/aksServicePrincipal.json and then it worked. Create a new resource group; Create the cluster (az aks create) Attach ACR (az aks update --attach-acr) "Waiting for AAD role to propagate", for almost 2 minutes. We want to have different subscriptions per environment (dev/uat/stage/prod). and then the AZ-303 (Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies) Read more…, Reading Time: 4 minutes Share: Update: This does not work if you have auto scale enabled on your cluster. Could not create a role assignment for ACR. # az acr list | grep id | grep ... Grant rights shell: 'az role assignment create --assignee "{{ client_id_var }}" --role acrpull --scope "{{ acrid }}"' That’s it. From Details: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: Azure CLI requires Owner on subscription when creating cluster with advanced networking, while Azure Portal does not. Definitely storing this in OneNote for future ref. Typically we will get the kubeconfig file to be able to run the helm upgrade command. A little note I do this by the command: az role assignment create --assignee {application id} --role acrpull --scope {id value as returned by the command az acr list} I get the response: The role assignment already exists. server address of your ACR. The first reason was basically just a place for me to store my step by step guides, troubleshooting guides and just plain ideas about being a sysadmin. Enter fullscreen mode. There is also another role assignment for "Owner" inherited from the management group. Reproducable. You signed in with another tab or window. I’m Richard Hooper aka Pixel Robots. it requires subs owner role to grant access to acr, contributor role won't work. Are you an Owner on this subscription? 3. Before, with Owner, I had this exact issue. az role assignment create: Make –description, –condition, –condition-version preview (#15690) ... az acr token create: expose –days argument (#13392) az acr import: accept –source argument values which contain login in server name through client end correction (#13392) ACS. Have setup a AKS cluster with Azure AD auth, RBAC etc, all works well, when I try to connect to ACR in same resource group I get this error. You can use the following command to create one. There is also another role assignment for "Owner" inherited from the management group. Here are the technologies we will walkthrough below: Azure DevOpshelps to implement your CI/CD pipelines for an… As workaround you can manually assign acrPull to your kubelet identity. I use this environment to set up a default cluster for testing and it takes me about 3 minutes to set up a full basic environment for dev/test. The below script will create an Azure AD role assignment that grants the service principle access to the ACR. Role. My intention is to create one K8S cluster per subscription. To give AKS access to ACR we are going to use this for authentication. How “ By executing az login with a service principal, your CI/CD solution could then issue az acr build commands to kick off image builds.” The behavior of this command has been altered by the following extension: aks-preview msrest.exceptions : Operation failed with status: 'Bad Request'. I was also deploying AKS with a custom Service Principal (although the same issue occurs with an auto-generated Service Principal), rather than Managed Identity. We are still investigating this issue. output of the command will be as follows: Firstly, you cannot update an existing cluster to use Managed Identity (requires re-creation). Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is the quickest way to use Kubernetes on Azure. Workarounds suggested by @krowlandson on Graph API permission and Role assignments are not helping. Are you an Owner on this subscription?" ACRImageSigner ( role is used for signing permissions) AcrPush ( role is used for ACR push) For a list if built in roles and descriptions see here. Here's a guide on how to set up a Azure Kubernetes Service cluster using Azure CLI and powershell. Create -- resource-group myResourceGroup -- name testAsigneeSP -- skip-assignment done using across multiple,... Want to see what tags are available for a user, group, service! Shell which is at the top to match your setup created your cluster... “ sign up for a certain container you can find something useful on the ACR I need more perms!: create a support ticket for Azure Kubernetes service cluster environment also with an error, but no roles.! Principal, to which I assign the role to the service principle access to the required Azure to! Between sku ’ s a little note about the different sku ’ a. 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