Take an interest in learning more about sustainable food systems. Many think the research tax credit does not apply because they don’t conduct research in a traditional sense, but it can actually be applied for many daily activities. First distribution substation with innovative blue GIS 24 kV ring main unit live in Oberallgäu. Yes, there are even ways to make your dining room sustainable! ... a whole lot more. Install quick open and close dock doors. Before you start thinking you need a quick fix, remember that decarbonization will be a journey, not an overnight solution. The question of how we feed the planet in a sustainable way is a pressing one. Today billions of pounds of it can be found in swirling … The pandemic has intensified the need for a truly optimized warehouse, and here's why. 6 By 2020 it aims to reduce the food chain’s resource inputs by 20%, through incentives for more sustainable food production and consumption. Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development (PDF) (88 pp, 4 MB) Although utilities may not be able to mandate technology adoptions for consumers, utility companies (and often state or regional regulators) can still take part or run conservation and/or energy efficiency programs. The first step is to plan for decarbonization. The more problematic this becomes, the more important it will be for the industry to find environmentally, as well as economically sustainable solutions. You can then look at associated costs and how they may change using sustainable energy. An egregious 25 percent or more of the food grown is wasted annually. All rights reserved. Siemens and Netze BW make distribution grids more sustainable and smarter. Find more resources on smart growth and equitable development. Many vehicles run on fossil fuels; however, implementing a “green” solution to today’s fleet could mean the difference between a low and high carbon footprint for your company. … Will you be installing, leasing or owning distributed generation and storage? Sustainability and the environment are top of mind for many today. Many older distribution centers were built totally dependent on electric lighting. Distributors will typically do anything they can to keep a customer, but everyone has their breaking point. Goods are tracked more openly, automation tools and processes help move them along at faster speeds, and everyone involved is much more … ID's November/December 2020 Digital Edition. . You can also use the dashboard’s results to prove to those end customers insisting that their supply chain be operated in a more sustainable manner that you are doing your part and taking the appropriate steps to meet this requirement. Siemens and Netze BW cooperating on multi-year field test. With a few substitutions, your facility could enjoy long-term savings that more than make up for the cost of the upgrade. Until logistics moves to electric and other more sustainable vehicle options, route optimization is one of the best ways to reduce the environmental impact of transportation and distribution. Plastic never goes away. What Should Distributors Do When a COVID-19 Vaccine Arrives? Install skylights. Sustainability in lighting has always been one of the most popular initiatives; that’s … Mandatory vaccinations for employees have, historically, been legal and not necessarily uncommon. Select floor coverings, adhesives, and paint that emit low amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The warehouse site is critical for sustainability. Obviously, a shipper cannot actually control everything, but it can control how its companies’ products make it from location to location. With 42 percent of millennials and 37 percent of Generation Z claiming that they want to know what goes into their products before they buy, increasing supply chain transparency is vital for brands to build trust with modern, socially conscious shoppers. Founded in 2008 … You can then look at associated costs and how they may change using sustainable energy. Using LEED EB: O&M as a guide, some of these would include the following: These are just some of the steps that distributors can take to help reduce their facilities’ carbon footprint. You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. Organic food offers a more sustainable, […] The two technological advancements that are helping to simplify the IIoT, allowing it to cross the chasm separating early adopters from the majority of manufacturing. The more problematic this becomes, the more important it will be for the industry to find environmentally, as well as economically sustainable solutions. From here it is just a matter of inputting updates and evaluating the results. Educate Yourself. New solutions are available that help utilities figure out what and how energy is consumed on a network. If you are looking to have a more sustainable holiday season or are just looking to save a few bucks, consider switching your usable one-and-done wrapping paper for one of these alternatives. And for many large end customers, sustainability in their entire supply chain is not just a preference, it is a requirement. Keep reading this blog to learn about different options available for utility companies to become more sustainable and contribute to a carbon neutral future. These two areas are where most of the water is used in a typical distribution facility. Free-Range Egg Supplier Egg Innovations Acquires PECKISH, Supply Chain Planning & Pricing Provider Blue Ridge Partners with AD, Despite Solid October Gain, US Cutting Tool Orders Still Down 22% YoY. Purchase locally-built tables and chairs for your dining area. Make reusing and recycling of all packaging materials a “working mantra.” It can lead to new ways to recycle materials. “This is then factored into the decision-making process for locating DCs in an optimized, more energy-efficient distribution network,” says Klimek. Consider using smart sensors and advanced analytics to monitor and gather data about your grid. This decoupling has been attributed to a number of factors, including greater energy efficiency of industrial processes and domestic appliances, and reduced losses in the transportation of electricity thr… Selling Your Distribution Business During a Pandemic? Look to work alongside other suppliers and firms that have made similar commitments to becoming sustainable. One of the easiest ways to make your business more environmentally-friendly is to practice green procurement.Review your procurement policies when looking for suppliers and choose to source goods and services that have been produced sustainably and don’t require excessive packaging. As a utility company, you can support and encourage consumers to adopt efficient tech solutions, while also helping to promote and deliver efficiency programs. The manufacturing sector is one of those that is subject to a lot of scrutiny, thanks to the input and output of materials and potential waste that is created in the process. The positive impacts these new technologies can have on your distribution processes. Compact fluorescent lights use less electricity than traditional T12 fluorescent tubes. Some geographical areas offer more options for renewable energy or reduced carbon footprints – for example, some geographical locations have more water, others have more sunlight, etc. The scope remains global and macroscopic, though there may be regional differences depending on the water sources available in a particular setting. Make sure all lighting is low-wattage florescent or LED and minimize exterior lighting. If sustainable energy is important to your consumers and your company, consider reaching out to regulators to discuss rate impacts and potential models. One way to do this is through education and awareness, and it’s here that the most prominent theme from across responses emerges. 5. Yes, It’s Possible. Let’s say you have 20 male workers in the distribution center and another 20 or more male drivers visiting the center every day. This article serves as a general reference for sustainable water supply systems. XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion seeks to create poultry and fish that is affordable, sustainable, more nutritious, and a … Because a traditional urinal can use as much as 30,000 gallons of water annually, making this one change will likely produce dramatic results, which will be verified by the dashboard system. It’s important to reflect and remember that difficult circumstances can trigger meaningful change. Identify the drivers of waste. Distributors are increasingly focused on becoming more sustainable, and in some cases are being required to take such steps by large end customers that are now focusing their attention on “greening” their entire supply chain. ). Even without a definitive end to the pandemic, now is still an opportune time for distributors to sell. can work with GPS devices to optimize international, national and local shipping routes. Buildings use 41% of the energy in the U.S., and 29% is used for transportation, according to the U.S. Platform Transitions from Asset Tracking to Contact Tracing. From AI to blockchain, the ability for brands to trace every step of the value chain – how raw materials are sourced to how textiles are manufactured, shipped and reused – will enable fashion companies to adopt more sustainable end-to-end retail models. A much more sustainable, scalable methodology is required. Optimized for Growth: ID Goes In-Depth With Optimas Solutions. After the financial crisis of 2007-2008, the relationship between the United States’ economic output and electricity consumption decoupled for the first time in history. XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion seeks to create poultry and fish that is affordable, sustainable, more nutritious, and a … As more and more end users are insisting upon a sustainable supply chain, distributors are increasingly looking for ways to make their facilities greener. Many people also question how their food is grown whether through conventional or organic means —and if it’s grown sustainably or not. Many well-intentioned travelers bring sweets, used clothing, books, and pencils … So what are some of the initiatives an existing distribution center can take? Invest in software programs and work with vendors to better schedule deliveries to and from the site; one of the biggest wastes of fuel is the result of trucks idling their engines while waiting for a dock to become available. In conjunction with their ongoing research cooperation, Siemens Smart Infrastructure and Netze BW GmbH, headquartered in Stuttgart, have … After about three or four months of use, you turn to the dashboard to examine your center’s water reduction progress. So, many businesses may be environmentally sustainable in the normalized “weak sustainability” way (and profitable), but this isn’t a true long term solution. So what steps can a distributor take to make its own facilities greener and more sustainable? The program is designed to support consumers, businesses and industries to improve their energy efficiency, offering helpful resources and incentives that help make efficiency projects more achievable and affordable. That being said, yes. Decrease fossil fuel consumption by optimizing routes. Fluorine gas-free Clean Air switchgear and bio-ester transformer boost sustainability. Keep reading this blog to learn about different options available for utility companies to become more sustainable and contribute to a carbon neutral future. Install skylights. How the Industrial Sector Can Use the REC Tax Credit. As a utility company, it’s important to remember that sustainable solutions are achievable. We can shift our diets to replace at least some of our energy-intensive meats with less energy-intensive fruits, nuts, vegetables, beans and grains. Many large corporations have adopted Sustainability programs - Wal Mart, Proctor & Gamble, Exelon, Duke Power to name a few. Usually the first step with these systems involves establishing a benchmark. Go #PlasticFree. Lighting is one of the easiest changes to make in creating a more sustainable distribution center. With sustainable nutrition as an important goal, the agriculture, food systems and health sectors can continue to use advances in science, innovation and technology to become more efficient and sustainable while making nutritious foods available for all. Is your utility operation prepared for a sustainable future? Many older distribution centers were built totally dependent on electric lighting. A much more sustainable, scalable methodology is required. And what often happens once a sustainability program is put into action is that more opportunities for becoming greener are uncovered. One way to do this is through education and awareness, and it’s here that the most prominent theme from across responses emerges. In March, you decide to replace all the older urinals, which use 1 or more gallons of water per flush, with low-flow urinals that use about 0.5 gallons of water per flush or urinals that use no water at all. Try growing your own food. . ... broad term which refers to everything from the production and distribution … That massive amount represents 2.5 percent of annual U.S. energy consumption—more energy than all the ethanol produced in 2011 in the U.S. and more than the energy that will be produced in 2030 from lifting drilling restrictions today on the outer continental shelf. | With water or energy, this would require collecting two or more years of utility bills indicating amounts consumed and their related costs. Educate Yourself. ... a whole lot more. To learn more about GMO labeling campaigns, visit the websites for Just Label It and The Center for Food Safety. As you work towards becoming a more sustainable manufacturing business, you can also look beyond your own operation when reviewing how you do things. Make sure all fork lifts and delivery vehicles used in the distribution center are newer and designed to use fuel and electricity more efficiently. Simply plant a few seeds in a corner of your yard or in a … Reverse logistics has become an important extension within the supply chain as it carries high potential for a sustainable distribution process that fulfills both environmental and social needs. If you are looking to have a more sustainable holiday season or are just looking to save a few bucks, consider switching your usable one-and-done wrapping paper for one of these alternatives. To make an even bigger dent on costs and your carbon footprint, experts suggest optimizing truck capacity and developing more efficient transportation routes. These types of contracts, like fuel contracts, may need a plan for transition over a longer period of time. All Rights Reserved | Five Key Factors in Planning for a Post-COVID 'Normal'. Choose environmentally conscious partners. Because fuel consumption and the release of greenhouse gases are so closely intertwined, the closer the distribution center is to its network of customers or access to rail and other delivery systems, the more its carbon footprint can be reduced because less fuel will be necessary for the transportation of products and thus fewer greenhouse gases will be emitted. These systems are designed to help users record, monitor, and measure a number of metrics — from fuel consumption to water and energy use to even waste generation. As more and more end users are insisting upon a sustainable supply chain, distributors are increasingly looking for ways to make their facilities greener. Use these discussions to understand the level of support for decarbonization, and use that to inform your next move. A.I. He is considered the “father of Green Cleaning,” on the Board of the Green Sports Alliance, and has been inducted into the International Green Industry Hall of Fame (IGIHOF). However, in just about every industry today, distributors are also increasingly focused on becoming more sustainable. They do this not just to appeal to the environmentally aware portion of the population, but because they have found that becoming more sustainable saves money. There are many factors at play that contributed to making sustainability more popular, and the bigger demand can leave many utilities concerned about how to adapt and keep up with sustainability expectations. Will you be a market/program operator, allowing consumers and businesses to buy/sell energy through your grid? Sustainable Distribution. Circular supply chain Sustainable distribution Improved logistical transportation, hauling of goods between vendor and purchaser with the lowest possible impactContinue Reading There has been a huge rise in demand for sustainable energy amongst consumers – and this demand inevitably impacts utility companies. As the USeconomystarted to generate GDP growth again, there was almost no net growth in electricity demand and it has remained on a flatline ever since. Siemens re-engineered the platform to provide contact tracing within manufacturing facilities, including their own. Give, the right way. Support GMO labeling so that consumers can have the necessary information to make informed food choices. While building a new center from scratch and finding the right site is the ideal situation, the reality is that many distributors that want to become greener and more sustainable will have to make changes to an existing structure. When it comes to business operations, distributors serving a variety of industries are typically most focused on improving speed and efficiencies. You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. Here are a few key points to keep in mind when moving towards decarbonization: Consider using smart sensors and advanced analytics to monitor and gather data about your grid. Optimisation of distribution systems and transport infrastructure, reusable packaging and reduced package waste make a big difference. Start with the furniture. We are not suggesting that distributors revamp their facilities in order to become LEED-certified; instead, we suggest that distributors use this information as a guide for what steps they can take and implement in an existing facility to become greener and more sustainable. Local governments can collaborate with utility companies to design and run energy efficiency programs for residential consumers and commercial consumers, and also to improve the efficiency of their own facilities. Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development (PDF) (88 pp, 4 MB) In some cases, these numbers must be manually entered into the system, but it is possible they can be downloaded directly from the utility company. Does a product's packaging fail to keep it from breaking or spoiling? Sustainable food production is “a method of production using processes and systems that are non-polluting, conserve non-renewable energy and natural resources, are economically efficient, are safe for workers, communities and consumers, and do not compromise the needs of future generations”.3 Support technology and program solutions Build a Sustainable Dining Room. These programs can be run effectively by providing consumers with incentives to purchase energy efficient products and rebates for energy efficient renovations. If a distributor were in the process of building a new distribution center, that would be fortunate because the distributor could then take advantage of many new technologies that help make a facility greener and more sustainable. In order to do so, one of the first steps is to become familiar with LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance (LEED EB: O&M) certification. © 2020 Industrial Media, LLC. Stephen P. Ashkin, President of The Ashkin Group and Founder of the Green Cleaning Network, Minimizing Stress While Modernizing Your Warehouse, How (Not) to Squander Your WMS Investment, 3 Pallet Management Challenges for Manufacturers and Distributors, and How to Avoid Them, The Pandemic's Impacts on Warehouse Optimization. Plant seeds. However, even with these technologies available, the most important thing to consider would be site selection. Most local woodworkers may strike a deal with an environmentally friendly restaurant – especially if you promote their work. Skylights and other forms of day lighting can help reduce the need for electric lighting. Aim for a full-circle supply chain. Some energy regulators and/or investors may be tied to fuel sources for historical or economic reasons. Energy efficient options like smart devices or LED light bulbs, Building construction and/or renovation development, like HVAC systems, insulation, and smart windows, DER options (wind, solar, hydro, geothermal) and grid technology (microgrids, smart meters, storage). The need to balance worker safety with production continuity continues to be a challenge. This can help reduce HVAC needs. Today’s transportation industry experts understand how each mile of travel represents … And for many large end customers, sustainability in their entire supply chain is not just a preference, it is a requirement. By considering the options above you can help contribute towards regional carbon neutrality targets, while keeping spending down knowing that capital costs continue to lower as demand increases. Issues like smog, rising global temperatures, water pollution, and oodles of plastic waste have many concerned. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more. There’s no doubt that sustainable energy is the future of energy consumption. Their job is to get products from the manufacturer to the end customer in the quickest, most efficient manner possible. More extra food can be kept and eaten as leftovers. And in so doing, you are incorporating steps that help decrease your facilities’ environmental impact, reduce costs, and improve your bottom line. The question of how we feed the planet in a sustainable way is a pressing one. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supports, local utility companies with energy efficiency programs and program sponsors. After years of improvements, Optimas Solutions is primed to gain market share. They need to get excited about sustainable packaging and sustainable product development, and feel they are part of a team. In fact, in some cases distributors are being required to take such steps by large end customers that are now focusing their attention on “greening” their entire supply chain. Today, sustainability refers to what is known as the three pillars of sustainability: social, environmental, and economic factors. Probably the easiest way to make … To learn more about GMO labeling campaigns, visit the websites for Just Label It and The Center for Food Safety. However, becoming greener and more sustainable requires distributors to monitor and measure their progress to make sure they are on track. Why The Industrial IoT Is Finally Ready for Prime Time. Stephen P. Ashkin is founder of the Green Cleaning Network, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to educating building owners and suppliers about Green Cleaning and president of The Ashkin Group, a consulting firm specializing in Greening the cleaning industry. Privacy & Policy. No matter which option you choose above, each has its own unique business model to consider. More than ever before, the discourse around dietary recommendations that optimize health is becoming inextricably linked with sustainability. Find more resources on smart growth and equitable development. Sustainable manufacturing: Making your OEM operation more eco-friendly Concerns about how industry impacts the environment are growing. In order to help with this, some distributors are turning to online “dashboard” systems. Since the transportation industry involves the shipment of goods from one location to another, the basic responsibility of reducing carbon emissions takes priority. New solutions are available that help utilities figure out what and how energy is consumed on a network. Here we will focus on just one of these pillars — the planet, or environmental issues — and discuss ways distributors can reduce their carbon footprint, reduce water and fuel consumption, and even measure and monitor their use of natural resources. Better lighting. These three pillars can also be equated to what is called the triple bottom line: people, planet, and profits. 9. Before exploring this, we need to clarify what we mean by the words “sustainable” and “sustainability,” as their definitions have evolved over time. HOW TO MAKE YOUR HOUSE MORE SUSTAINABLEIn this video we described that how you can make your home better ,safe and sustainable. ID's 2020 November/December digital edition is packed with commentary from Big 50 distributors and buying groups about pandemic impacts, an In-Depth profile on Optimas Solutions, and much more. If a new roof is needed, make sure the roof is properly insulated with light-colored materials; this will reflect light and heat instead of absorbing it. GridOS – Integrated Distribution Planning, GridOS – Distributed Energy Resource Management System, GridOS – Transactive Energy Management System. Support GMO labeling so that consumers can have the necessary information to make informed food choices. Terms & Conditions Due to the efficient nature of sustainable practices, distribution and supply centers will see an increase in time to market. © 2020 Opus One Solutions. ... broad term which refers to everything from the production and distribution … Because water is now a key component of LEED certification, look into different ways to reduce water consumption—from replacing outdoor vegetation with native plants that typically consume less water to the installation of low-flow or no-flow restroom fixtures. You can then repeat this process for energy consumption, fuel, and so on. Will you be collaborating with a group of partners? Take an interest in learning more about sustainable food systems. , managed by the Independent Electricity System Operator (. Actions to make food production more sustainable The European Commission is assessing how best to lower the environmental impact of food production and to limit waste throughout the food supply chain. Also consider installing vegetation on the roof; it provides additional insulation, absorbs carbon dioxide, and releases oxygen. Entire supply chain is not just a preference, it is a requirement doubt that sustainable energy and developing efficient! Most of the files on this page products and rebates for energy.... Of transportation adhesives, and oodles of plastic waste have many concerned differences depending on roof... Every industry today, distributors serving a variety of industries are typically most focused on improving speed efficiencies. 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