hi ,i am so much intrested in doing research on an intresting topic thatsy i have selected the topic related to nano materials.can any one give an idea how to approach in the topic related to nanomaterials. Can a person become mentally unhealthy when they gain too much wealth and power too quickly? Thanks this really helped my essay is due tomorow wish me luck. For a science journal, you need to record the date, the information you get from a source and the bibliographical information. 5. Why is the percentage of people of color dying from COVID-19 higher than their percentage in the general population? Answer: Using a familiar saying can work for an essay if you do a twist on the idea. To find out if the medical disease you are writing about has a website: Owl banding. What is the role of nurses in treatment of acute ischemic stroke? There are two types of people. Answer: 1. How can we best combat this disease? Hi, I am grade 12 student and i am doing a very important presentation on CAD coronary artery disease also known as Ischemic heart disease (IHD). If your project needs to be original, you must also be careful to understand all of the research which has been done previously to make sure you are not repeating what has been done by someone else. What are the most interesting mathematical problems in physics research today? Should alternative energy companies get government subsidies? What are the best ways to treat diabetic wounds? Can changing their microbiome help people overcome problems of stress, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder? Answer: 1. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on December 20, 2018: Hi Carter, I have many different articles on topics. How much does the U.S. rely on nuclear energy right now? The most crucial first step is understanding what is required by your instructor or mentor. Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. Answer: Your topic is an interesting idea and represents a kind of Explaining argument essay. How can we solve the problem of "space junk"? What is the best new treatment for pancreatic cancer? Here are some possible questions: What are the positive and negative impacts of listening to music? Should we try to save babies born before 27 weeks? You can find them by going to my profile page. Aside from incorporating writing into the science curriculum, a lab report requires that students structure, plan and write about their scientific experiments. Can 3-D printing be used to create body parts and organs for people? 2. Answer: You can do a variety of papers on the topic of skin care, or on the idea of using unusual treatments. for a science research topic? However, I don’t know what topic I should pursue. Some of my other favorite sources for current events are Science News for Students (Society for Science), and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab News. How does your sense of taste or smell relate to your personality? Answer: How can Aquaculture best improve farming? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on August 23, 2017: Hi Celeste--I have many different science fair project ideas with full instructions. Or if you are a student looking for a science experiment, I have posted step-by-step instructions for a variety of projects and you can find a list of links in my article: Science Fair Experiments. Congratulations on being the winner of the first day of the Hubpot Challenge. I’m ought to make another research, whatever design, as a requirement to graduate. What is the Human Connectome Project and how will mapping of the human brain contribute to scientific knowledge? I would like to know some potential research topics​ related to medical microbiology. What is the best way to handle "needy" friends? Can listening to music help people to learn? Well, i need something for my research that the output will be tangible or can be use by others. What are the best practices for keeping goats healthy? How can nurses help in emerging infectious diseases? How important are the bacteria living in your bowels? 5. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on October 14, 2018: I have lots of health topics. Will it ever become a useful technology? Are toxic chemicals causing the recent rise in ADHD, autism, and other neurodevelopmental disabilities? How has the anti-GMO movement affected the development of crops with better nutrition and better drought resistance? What is the effect of the heavy air pollution in Chinese cities like Beijing on health? 4. How well do science museums really teach science? Are there any holistic or alternative therapies that help cancer patients? Will researchers really be able to use genetics to help us. 2. You can find my articles on my profile, or Google "VirginiaLynne" and "owlcation.". Is using drones for warfare a good or bad idea? What is the mental health effect of social isolation from lockdowns, masks, and social distancing? Even if you don’t like any, they may inspire you to come up with one of your own. All of it are interesting. I would like some more tips for my students in my class. Answer: Here are some easier topics for high school students. There will sometimes just be a description of the research which you may need to Google search in order to find the article. Writing a lab report should be taught in every science lab. alamira.alwiraikat@gmail.com on August 05, 2017: Thank you for this information and I am learning from you. Does caregiving cause psychological stress? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on January 08, 2020: Hi Michelle, it helps to have a research question that you are going to answer. What is the best type of homemade face mask? 3. this is a huge topic and I really need a good attention grabber. What is the history of coral reef destruction and regeneration? How can they best be prevented? What is an antiviral drug and how does it differ from a vaccine? Answer: I'm not sure that this would be a clear and easy question to answer. Which nonprofit environmental group is doing the most to protect the environment? hi Virginia, I love your articles. 3. as a science essay topic? What type of spider venom is most useful in medical treatment? Are humans currently causing a new mass extinction of species? How can people best prepare their bodies to fight a COVID-19 infection? Question: I am applying for a master's in chemistry and I would love to research on a topic that correlates chemistry and health care. Five important signs of mental illness to be aware of. What is a sexual addiction? Can it be overcome? 6. What is the effect of nanotechnology on research and development of medical technologies? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on May 17, 2017: Hi Anne--You might want to look at my article on 100 Technology ideas. Here are 11 writing prompts you can use in the science classroom. Here are some other topic questions related to this one: 1. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on December 04, 2017: Hi Mega Sai, It would be a good idea for you to look at my other articles about how to write research papers and argument papers. This is a very useful list. Or you can pick a specific one to talk about. Should the United States return to the moon and try to go to other planets? The "placebo effect" might be part of what you'd want to talk about. The experiment of mineral synthesis in laboratory conditions. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on July 29, 2017: Hi Annie, you might try one of the following: Do multi media science presentations work more effectively to help students retain information? Why is malaria such a difficult disease to eliminate? If so, why? Is fiber reinforced cement and composites a good choice? Minerals and their utility in heavy industry. Wow, I didn't realize all of these topics fell under science. Can memory loss and dementia be prevented? Question: Can you suggest a great research title with the topic "Are the chemicals used in food packaging harmful to human health?". Although I chose 2 topics to search for details, but I didn't get details enough, and also the topic must have different prespective by researchers. Since term papers are not written overnight, you need a topic that interests you, is relatively easy to research, and fits the requirements for the assignment. Can you make a suggestion? Why are so many children now tested to be deficient in vitamin D, and how does this affect them? What is the likelihood that the Earth would be struck by a large asteroid or comet like the one believed to have killed off the dinosaurs? 2. Are native crops better? We'd also greatly appreciate suggestions coming from the fellow readers. National Multiple Sclerosis Society Research: Climate Change and Compact Fluorescent Flashbulbs. Explain the role of nurses in helping reduce drug dependence. What is the process of taking a science idea and turning it into a product? What is Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)? 3. How knock-out mice work. What is organic farming? ok thankyou so much you have been very helpful I think I have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to do. How much can we depend on alternative energy sources like wind, solar, geothermal, and tidal? How to Edit Your Paper for a Better Grade, Nanotechnology in Medicine: Huge Potential But What Are the Risks, NPR Report on Google Contacts for Diabetics, robots be used to help kill invasive species, future of computing and artificial intelligence, time and space in brain development and disease. Earth science encompasses all those sciences related to the planet Earth. Are we really in a post-antibiotic era as the CDC recently announced? Are energy drinks harmful to college students? Answer: How can modification of poultry, or eggs enhance human health? What is "flattening the curve?" Is nanotechnology a viable commercial idea? Here are some others: 1. How will organic lead halide perovskites affect photovoltaics? That can involve students (within our campus) for data collection. What is the difference between the categories of huricanes? How can metal oxides improve cell phones? How can we best create sustainable agriculture? You can see my articles under my profile or just search for a topic. What are the best ways for nurses to avoid work-related injuries and musculoskeletal disorders? Will this have lasting effects on the spread of sickness and disease? Here are some good geology research topics that will help you to write a good scientific paper: The chemical contents of minerals. Answer: A STEM capstone course is an excellent idea to get students interested in pursuing a STEM career. Can caffeine really help a person be more productive over the long run? Is it a good idea that the U.S. has approved the release of. Can people get over peanut allergies? How do we balance the interests of people and animals on our planet? What happened in the first few minutes of our universe? How likely is it that a pandemic will arise that will kill large numbers of people in the world? It is on owlcation, and you can find it by searching my profile page or googling it, or this link: https://owlcation.com/stem/Science-Project-How-Doe... Hi Virginia. To pick the easiest topic for you, choose one that: 2. Great ideas for further research and writing articles. 2. How can antibiotic use in agriculture be reduced? What is the connection between chemicals in seawater and cloud formation? Is personalized medicine based on our own genome the wave of the future? I have no idea what section of motion I'm going to be discussing, I also need some advice there. Who suffers chronic pain the most? Abbas ibn Firnas. 2. How could nanomedicine be used to better treat patients in remote regions or the developing world? What is a chimera and how could it help stem cell research? really interested in molecular biology and genome mapping. Are microbes that create chemicals and antibiotics going to help us prevent infections? or the hypothesis. The same goes for writing about it. Does Chinese traditional medicine work better than Western medicine in some cases? An awesome hub! Inside of each article, there are various ideas to try. What is the likelihood that life exists in some form on other planets? Answer: Generally, I tell my students to narrow their choice to two or three topic questions that interest them the most. Question: Hi, I'm a grade 12 student and I need help coming up with a research topic. https://owlcation.com/stem/Fun-Baking-Science-Fair... 4. Al-Jazari. 5. 2. Question: What do you think of the topic, "How can Darwin's Theory be used to prove similar behavior between humans and monkeys?" What causes obesity? 2. Use my information about how to write a research paper to help you finish your project. 2. What are the chemicals that trigger allergies? What is the importance of the microorganisms which live inside and on humans? ", "How did the beginning of the universe make life possible? Some of them involve questions that you can research online and others could be questions you could do with your campus peers. Are there easy topics that a secondary student could handle. How can we prepare for the eventual post-antibiotic world? 4. Thanks for the help. Is flipped classrooms the best way to teach math? Are smaller farms more ecologically sound than larger farms? More so than other areas of specific sciences, Earth science is a general term that is used as an umbrella reference to all of its sub contexts. What can a person do to improve their immune system's ability to fight a virus or other disease? Good Earth Science Research Topics: Geology Issues. Thanks for these ideas. Occasionally I collect their informal writing, but I never grade it. How is COVID-19 related to other human viruses (SARS, MERS, other coronaviruses)? What is the possibility that spun sugar strands could be useful for medical purposes? How important do you think it is to have your DNA sequenced for science? Thanks xxx. Can people be cured of multiple-personality disorder? What are the most important things that predispose women to breast cancer? What alternatives to antibiotics are being developed? What is schizophrenia? How does mathematics research illuminate or drive physics research? What is glaucoma? 2. Question: What are the best topics for animal health (mainly cattle, goats and poultry) for an undergraduate animal science student? Do you have any suggestions? The easiest topic is one that you can find articles for right away. As a matter of fact, my son (an engineering student) found that his physics courses in high school actually were the most helpful courses he had to prepare him for his college mathematics courses. What are the uses that humans can make from what spiders produce? Many times the topic is supplied by the teacher, or the curriculum tells what the student should research and write about. Can people use their own gardens to help the earth and create a greater diversity of species in their city? How can nurses be involved in the fight against human trafficking? Does this affect mental health? How can governments best protect the environment? Would you be willing to donate your body to science after you die? Scientists are predicting that we have entered the “End of the Antibiotic Era.” What will this mean for health care? Another way to make a question better is to use "what is the best way" or "what is most important" statements to qualify the idea. Do shorter people really have an inferiority complex? Climate Change and its impact on various sectors 5. Can nanomaterials be used to reduce CO2 emissions? Are amphibians really in decline? How much caffeine hurts a student who wants to retain information? Then they should start doing a bit of Google searching to find out more. How can agricultural scientists best prepare for natural disasters? Answer: See my science fair articles which tell a number of interesting projects. Why has there been a sharp increase in people with Alzheimer's disease? i want to know more about peoples health any suggestions? Can covering surfaces with nanoparticles improve airplanes, houses, and other structures? Then each student presents what they have learned to the whole class. Answer: You can use that question as your title because it explains what your paper is going to discuss. Molecular Imaging and Therapy for Cancer Treatment. I would suggest that you look carefully through my profile to find the other articles. How is it continuing? What is the best method of construction management? Usually, after about 15 minutes of looking at what is available on that topic, you will discover that one of the topics you've chosen is more interesting, or has more information easily available. How can video games be used to solve scientific problems? I liked the plants the most. I am interested on life science. I wanted to write a research about human psychology. Sustainable Environment 2. How can individuals help ease the effects of global warming? Question: Can you suggest research topics in physical chemistry? Answer: I have a many different topic lists and some are easier for younger students and include topics that are Biology or science related. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on March 22, 2018: Hi Margaux, I have many more articles with research ideas. So, can you please suggest me an attractive topic for the presentation and also some important points to talk about during presentation? Since I don't know your interests and background, I can't choose a topic for you, but I suggest you follow these guidelines: 1. How can countries like China and India meet their growing energy needs best? Government sponsored websites (which usually end in .gov) provide links to research articles, statistics, information about government policies, spending priorities, and laws. infectious diseases like the flesh eating disease is interesting to read about. What are some non-pharmaceutical ways to help care for patients with chronic pain? How has the Hubble Space Telescope changed the way we look at the Universe? To be honest, environmental science is a vast field and there are loads of eager environmentalists who will really appreciate if you take on one of these grown-up research topics. Free Topic Selection Wizard, science fair project ideas, step by step how to do a science fair project, Ask an Expert discussion board, and science fair tips for success. Question: I am a grade 12 STEM strand student and I am having a difficult time finding a suitable investigatory project title regarding how to ease the effects of global warming. At the bottom of the following article are many other suggestions along with research article links to help you write your paper: ttps://owlcation.com/academia/100-Science-Argument-Essay-Topic-Ideas. Question: Can you suggest some trending research topics in medical physiology? Here are some samples: How do we best save endangered animals? I have a science fair coming up and I need help for a topic. What solution keeps flowers fresh the longest? Now that you have gathered the information on your topic, read it carefully and take notes. How have meteorites changed our view of the Universe? Way cool. You think you’re chasing the last vestige of a prehistoric Earth creature, but it turns out to be an alien. If so, which is the best? How will self-driving cars change the way people live? How has the temperature of our planet changed during recorded history? I need a cool topic about physical science, can you help? So do you have any ideas of what I could say that has anything to do with the destruction of the earth? Has the stay-at-home order changed the rate of other infections? Answer: Any of the topics on this page of research questions would make a good question for a grade 12 project. What is the possibility of finding a cure to cystic fibrosis? What kind of fertilizer is the least harmful to the environment (you can narrow this question to discuss a specific agricultural crop)? Answer: That is a good an important issue to discuss. To make things a little easier we have brought 50 best science essay topics for you! Where and when did COVID-19 start to infect humans? I love all the topics. If you are doing a written essay based on the research writing of others, you can write your answers to the question based on what you have read in your literature search. How can we prevent fertilizer plant disasters like the one which occurred in West, Texas? 4. Why are honey bee colonies weakening and what can be done about it? How can the world influence China, India, and other heavily polluting countries to reduce emissions? What is the best way to prevent wildfires? Does Ecotourism help save endangered animals? Is reducing emissions in the United States going to make a significant difference globally? This website is Cool, and its helps me with my homework I’m in 7th. The question can then be answered in more than one way and the different answers can be the topics. Were having difficulty picking a project for our 'science fair'. How can natural products be used in the treatment of diabetes? Congrats on the HubPot Challenge award. Who are the Denisovans and how does their discovery alter our view of human evolution? The argumentative essay can be written on different topics. Question: Any suggestions for a research study at grade 9 level? Congrats on wining the 1st Hubpot contest! Often, these articles will give you ideas for papers, as well as lead you to the original sources and research. Is it possible to have people live on Mars as Elon Musk wants to do? … As men age, do they pass on genetic abnormalities to their children? What is peak oil? Can you help me? What can be done about the banana wilt which is causing the banana crops to be destroyed? Interesting research on a great app for me to get a great time to share. What is the best way to treat a concussion? Question: I plan to use the flip method to do research, but I am struggling. How can people in finance help new technologies be used in poorer countries? Question: Do you have a specific topic for environmental science for grade 7? Answer: 1. Is the problem with changing emissions standards political or technological? 2. Here are a couple more: How is DNA analysis of ancient bones changing our concept of the evolutionary tree? Is it worth the risk? You can also see other articles written by me linked on the side. Question: I am interested in starting a STEM Capstone course at my high school. Sometimes the student is given a very broad concept to write a research paper on, for example, water. Choose 2-3 questions that seem the most interesting to you. Question: Do you have any suggestions for a space-themed science essay? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on June 19, 2017: Hi Suzie! You might also look at my article on "100 Current Events" because the bottom section talks about medical and health topics. For more help in choosing an idea, you can look at my information about technology topics. I am at school and I wanna ask. What causes Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? This article has a list of many topics, a topic generator and also gives you steps for starting your paper: https://hubpages.com/academia/Academic-Persuasive-... Don't forget to also look for my articles about how to write your paper step by step. I'm pursuing the medical field (STEM); my friend's engineering (STEM). Great topics for science term papers. What would be interesting about this topic is any research that showed how mood and laughter could keep people healthier. What scientific breakthroughs have come about through the space programs? This is the ideal article on science topics as we guarantee you won’t be missing ideas after you’ve finished reading it. Answer: That statement is your topic thesis or answer. If you can't find anything useful in 30 minutes or so, you should probably choose another topic. How has the pandemic changed the health habits of people in your country? tpsdave 7867 CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. How can farmers be encouraged to use them? ", "What would life be like on other planets? Can the world be fed by organic crops alone? Congrats on wining the 1st Hubpot contest! What are the relationship between our environment, our brain, and our microbiome? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on June 15, 2017: Hi Gaea and Meeme, I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for in applied science but you might want to check out my science fair experiments or else look at my topics regarding technology topics. I use writing prompts as warm-up activities in my science class to build prior knowledge and get students brains to shift to science. 3. Students enjoy researching the latest in technology and medical advances. If you don't find a topic here, you might want to look at: 100 Technology Paper Topics for Research Papers. Answer: 1. ..I would like to have a research on teaching science through multimedia,, any suggestions what would be a good topic? What is the long-term impact of nuclear disasters like Fukushima? Helped my essay is due tomorow wish me luck energy needs best excellent idea to get a time... Theory predict similar human and monkey behavior best diagnosed and treated best nursing education practices for sustainable crop farming XXX. Best diagnosed and treated Google `` VirginiaLynne '' and how could nanomedicine be used to better agriculture. Using drugs like Prozac or Ritalin on mental health in their children make policy changes that affect greenhouse?. 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