We can represent our operations as Python functions, because they all take in some number of arguments and return a value: We can also represent our constructors as functions: But what types should these functions return? What do the square brackets mean? We need to make it easy to add reusable optimizations to libraries like these, so that we can support the latest hardware and compiler optimizations from Python. Our final layout will thus be: Buried among all the information in the package descriptor file, we can see some interesting bits: Note: the package textx-dev provides a scaffolding command for setting up project files interactively from the command line. Now we can define our shape-drawing function: Nothing particularly fancy to see here. Instead of having to do this for each function, which is error prone, tendious, and ugly, we can So how do we add types? ubermag/micromagneticmodel: Python domain-specific language for defining micromagnetic models. The textX tool started as Xtext meta-language implementation in Python, but has evolved further. So we can rewrite our expression function to first take in an expression_type argument, However, these days, unlike the real programmers of old times, developers expect all kinds of fancy tools to aid them in their work. We’re talking specifically about our VSCode extension; we won’t touch on how to package the Python code itself, as there are good tutorials on that already. Compared to heavyweight language workbenches such as Jetbrains MPS, Eclipse Xtext or Spoofax, textX is less powerful and not as feature-rich; however, it’s directly usable in Python with minimal effort as it’s just another Python library, and it has a really modest learning curve. So let's rewrite the functions so they return expressions: You might notice that we are actually repeating ourselves a bit here. The tomassetti.me website has changed: it is now part of strumenta.com. We'll see how you can parse DSLs using the PyParsing library as well as using regular python … i2cdevice is a python domain-specific language aimed at dealing with common SMBus/i2c device interaction patterns. And we’ll install and build the required components according to the README: Note that the actual commands will vary according to the system, for example, we may have to write python3 and pip3 respectively. In the end, a scene will look like the following: One key idea in textX is that we use the same meta-language to define both the grammar and the structure of the abstract syntax tree (AST). Sign in Sign up Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. You will continue to find all the news with the usual quality, but in a new layout. Allow adjusting the speed of the turtle, with a default for the scene and the possibility to override it for each shape. textX is a meta-language for building Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) in Python. metadsl: A Framework for Domain Specific Languages in Python¶ Hello, my name is Saul Shanabrook and for the past year or so I have been at Quansight exploring the array computing ecosystem. These cookies do not store any personal information. They overcome the genericity of the employed tools, by providing dedicated domain concepts as a frontend to mask the underlying complexity. In other words, it’s a programming language that’s used for a more specific application or use case than a general-purpose language like Python. siddhi / pyconindia_dsl.py. In fact, our goal is to give an impression of what it means to work with textX. In this tutorial, we’ve built from scratch a DSL for drawing shapes, complete with an interpreter in Python and editor support in Visual Studio Code and TextMate. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We’ll issue a final command, from our project directory: If everything goes well, we’ll find a tx-turtle.vsix package in the current directory. Also, those who wish to learn more should definitely read the entire textX documentation site. metadsl: Deeply Embedded Domain Specific Languages in Python. However, our approach will make it easier to add semantic code completion in the future. Note that here we’ll only package the Turtle language (metamodel) for further use by other tools; we’re not packaging the interpreter, examples, or other artifacts. Users will be able to install it in Visual Studio Code from the Extensions panel, choosing “Install from VSIX” from the menu: Of course, we can also publish the extension on the Visual Studio Code marketplace. Domain-Specific Languages are, more than GPLs, susceptible to changes . Active 3 years, 1 month ago. TLDR: metadsl is a framework to write domain specific languages in Python that piggybacks on the standard type annotation semantics. So, we can inspect it using standard Python tools, from crude print calls to fancy debuggers. However, we won’t digress into how to define a theme. Dask gives us a way to write Pandas or NumPy and execute it across many cores or computers, Ibis allows us to write Pandas but on a SQL database, with CuPy we can execute NumPy on our GPU, and with Numba we can optimize our NumPy expession on a CPU or GPU. Adding other units of measure and setting a default unit is left as an exercise for the reader. Success! We’ve now got everything in place for packaging the VSCode extension for distribution. So far, we’ve concentrated on the definition of our language – both concrete and abstract syntax in one go, thanks to textX. Simply writing the function in Python isn't really an option, since nobody is going to want to install a server that downloads and executes arbitrary Python code at runtime. takes in the initial function and returns a new one that metadsl is meant to be a place to come together to build a framework for DSLs in Python. Nothing here is set in stone. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Much of the recent rise of Python's popularity is due to its usage for scientific computing and machine learning. The cost way outpaces the gain in the long run. A Domain Specific Language, or DSL for short, is a language that’s specialized to a particular application domain. The values will either be Python integers/booleans or strings representing abstract variables. In fact, textX-LS also includes a generator for TextMate language grammars. So, be sure to follow the project on GitHub. To make things more interesting, we’ll allow expressing a direction in two ways: either with a cardinal point as on a compass or as an angle with respect to the previous line: There’s some interesting stuff going on here. This work is built on different frameworks, like Pandas, NumPy, Tensorflow, and scikit-learn. A framework for creating domain specific language in Python. After spending quite a bit of time working on an integrated solution built on these concepts, I decided to step back to try to generalize and simplify the core concepts. Here we see literal string matches such as 'red', as well as a regular expression match for hexadecimal RGB color specifications. These projects prove that it is possible to write optimizing compilers that target varying hardware paradigms for existing Python numeric APIs. Ideally, I'd be working in python and not writing my own parsers...trying to get the benefit of using an established standard file format. If it’s not already present on your system, you can download it from the official page. We create a decorator called expression that At any point in our journey, we might want to check the correctness of our metamodel and to inspect a visual representation of it, to see if we’re doing things right. Remember that the position is optional and defaults to (0, 0). The approach is useful if you need a … Compared to heavyweight language workbenches such as Jetbrains MPS, Eclipse Xtext or Spoofax, textX is less powerful and not as feature-rich; however, it’s directly usable in Python with minimal effort as it’s just another Python library, and it has a really modest learning curve. Add support for arcs in addition to straight lines. Feel free to raise an issue on our Github repo, or reach our to me directly at saul@quansight.com to set up a time to chat more in depth. Shape validation: check that each shape has more than one line and refuse to draw it if it’s not the case, with a meaningful error message. For example, the language might support both “Oh dear turtle, please draw for me this shape:” and “Will you draw a shape for me, please?”. In each function, we repeat At the time of writing, textX-LS is under active development and it’s not complete yet. After all, graphics are fun and immediately rewarding! It is inspired by Xtext. Types gives us an explicit and succinct way to restrict all the possible expressions to a subset that we consider meaningful or valid. [Shape] indicates to match the ID of a given shape, and to include the referenced shape in the AST. Now, we can install the Turtle language locally, so that the other textX-based tools will know about it. We can also declare our own shortcuts and type mappings, but we’ll leave that out of this article. I want to write some code to do acoustic analysis and I'm trying to determine the proper tool(s) for the job. In the Setup section, we’ve already established a development environment for textX-LS. If everything is working, we should see keywords, numbers, and identifiers with different colors. It is used in industrial environments and teaching Domain-Specific Languages course at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad. You can build a DSL as an interpreted language, or an compiled language. First, we could notice the INT and FLOAT matches: those are built-in shortcuts for regular expressions that match integer and floating-point numbers respectively, but in addition to that, they produce numeric properties in our model nodes. This covers a wide range of languages, such as DSLs for data definition, configuration, etc. creates an Expression object with that function and the arguments passed in: Now we can rewrite our expression functions with this decorator in a concise way: We now have a concise way of defining operations that has a Pythonic API: Now we can build up these expressions naturally, but there are some expressions that should not be allowed, for example: We don't want to allow multiplying booleans in our language, only numbers. This was my first time to present metadsl, although really a year earlier Travis and I co-presented on a previous incarnation of the project. We’ve chosen an order among many possibilities, but with the property that a string precedes its substrings. First, let’s add a file called __init__.py in the tx_turtle directory with the following contents: The purpose of the turtle function, decorated with @language, is to register the turtle language with textX when the module is installed. The first step in interpreting a model stored in a file is building it from its textual source, that is, parsing. Star 31 Fork 11 The two types of DSLsInternal DSL – Use features of the language (likemetaclasses) to enable people to write code inpython that resembles the domain syntax 11. It is a free and open-source software available at GitHub under the MIT license. So, we’ll now write a little interpreter in Python. So, for Turtle, the root will be a Scene comprising some Shapes and some draw instructions: Finally, to the benefits of our ninja turtle developers, we’ll allow Java-style comments inside the source, so that they’ll be able to include human-readable information that won’t end up polluting the AST. Assuming everything is set up correctly, we’ll just click on the green “install” button and VSCode will do the rest. (VSCode already provides basic code completion using the text content of the file being edited, out of the box, for all file types). Python 100.0%; Branch: master. Simple types can't eliminate all errors (like dividing by zero), but they can give us some guide posts for what is allowed. At the end of this tutorial, we’ll have written a small domain-specific language and a syntax highlighting extension for Visual Studio Code that understands our language. We show an example in Sec. Taichi is a domain-specific language (DSL) embedded in Python. The goal of metadsl is to make it easier to tackle parts of this problem seperately so that we can collaborate on tackling it together. This would allow us to add an. Full control of the constructs in the language give the creator of the DSL the freedom to simplify that language as much as possible. We’ve also given a name to the color that we’ve just matched, with color=. A way to create "wrapper" classes that also build up expression graphs, but can take in regular Python objects. Just like in other rules, we’ve defined a precise ordering of the constituents of each expression/declaration; here, for example, the line color must come before the fill color. So this brings us to types. Domain Specific Languages in Python - Pycon India - 17 Sep 2011 - pyconindia_dsl.py. As the ecosystem has matured, we are now demanding more flexibility for how these languages are executed. Up until now, everything that we’ve done only works on our machine. In a nutshell, textX will help you build your textual language in an easy way. As a final note, we’re leaving some ideas for extending and improving the Turtle language: Receive the guide by email and get more tips on DSLs. Now that we have colors and lines, we can put them together in a shape, and in doing so, we’ll use other features of the textX meta-language: Let’s start at the top and move down. The content is a list of expressions that must match in order for the rule to parse correctly. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Instead, we’ll quickly sketch our graphics language, touching only on the parts of textX that are relevant to it. It provides a way to seperate the user experience from the the specific of execution, to enable consistency and flexibility for users. Now that we’ve got a beautiful language, we’ll want developers to use it and build awesome stuff. Let’s move on to the other properties. Of course, we’ll also need textX; however, we’ll install it together with the textX-LS extension for integration with Visual Studio Code. As the first step, we’ll install the textX-LS extension from the marketplace. Currently, if the lines of some shape don’t delimit a closed surface, one invisible closing line is added automatically by the turtle module, and only the delimited part is filled. Assuming all the files we’ve written so far lay flat in a single directory, we might do it like this: Once we’ve got a directory dedicated to just the language definition, we’re ready to add the necessary plumbing for packaging. To make Taichi as easy to use as a Python package, we have done heavy engineering with this goal in mind - letting every Python programmer write Taichi programs with minimal learning effort. What if I don’t like the colors? Specifically, we’ll focus on syntax highlighting. r/programming: Computer Programming. By assigning the matched color, we’ve added a color property to the AST nodes for LineColor and FillColor. create a decorator that does it for us. We are actively looking for other projects that this effort would be useful for and welcome any collaboration. Domain Specific Language, Standard File Format. Recall that our shapes allow specifying a line and a fill color. The result will look like this: Before we start tinkering with VSCode, we’ve got a preliminary step to do: to package our language as a Python module. We’ll propose some exercises to extend it at the end of the tutorial. a sequence of lines that define the borders of the shape. Handle different units of measure for angles. We’ll leave that as an exercise to the reader. Composition: allow shape definitions to include other shapes. Of course, we’ll also modify the interpreter to load the metamodel from the correct place. All gists Back to GitHub. IV. We’re now ready to integrate our language into VSCode. What I need are suggestions on the simplest way to implement a Domain Specific Language to achieve this goal. Created Sep 16, 2011. However, this isn't straightforward and these projects success is a testament to the perserverence and ingenuity of the authors. So, we’ll now proceed to write our metamodel in a text file named turtle.tx. Recall that we’ve given each shape a name (an ID). TextX is a good choice when the speed of development and the integration with Python are key concerns, and when the language is close enough to what textX supports best: a regular, deterministic structure, where whitespace is not significant and lexical containment matches logical containment (in other words, where the abstract syntax tree has a close resemblance with the parse tree). Learn how to create your own Domain Specific Language with Python from scratch with this step-by-step tutorial. And receive more content on the Language Server Protocol and Language Engineering. The commands that we’ll show here are for Unix-like operating systems, but with the necessary adaptations, the same concepts could work on Windows systems too. Creating Forms – No DSL
TextX builds the AST, which it also calls a model, out of Python objects of dynamically generated classes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. However, we might want to share our work with fellow developers. We’ll now describe how we’ll tell our turtle to draw the shapes we’ve defined. M. Beg, T. Kluyver, and H. Fangohr. In this episode Igor Dejanović shares his work on textX and how you can use it to build your own DSLs with Python. However, textX also has an operator for unordered repetitions. I'd like to learn more about language design and DSLs. In what follows, we describe a design for a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for micromagnetic simulations that is embedded in the Python language. vsce is included as part of textX-LS and we can find it here: We should have built the client back in the Setup section. This would allow us to actually evaluate this DSL in some way or optimize it. The trickiest part was not actually compiling mathematical descriptions of array operations in Python, but figuring out how to make it useful to existing users. Think about how to express that in the parser and what the limitations are. Here, we won’t be giving a comprehensive introduction to textX. You can invent your own language or build a support for an already existing textual language or file format. Domain Specific Languages in Python Siddharta Govindaraj siddharta@silverstripesoftware.com. We’ll have to save it somewhere and tweak it to our liking. import taichi as ti¶. after each rule match. Next, allow for more complex phrases, that still have to contain the words “please” and “draw”. metadsl documentation, tutorials, reviews, alternatives, versions, dependencies, community, and more For example, NE comes before N. This is necessary because the parser chooses the first match and doesn’t backtrack, so if we had put N before NE, the NE option would never be reached and the parser would fail to recognize the string, “NE”. In Visual Studio Code, language extensions only control the type of the tokens in a file: this is a number, this is an identifier, this is a keyword and so on. Inheritance: allow shapes to be defined by copying from another shape and changing colors, zoom and/or rotation. Thanks. Example: SQL SQL is a mini language specialized to retrieve data Domain Specific Language: To represent data or express a problem more cleanly then an existing and perhaps more general method of representation, for example, XML. Note: recent versions of OSX bundle Python 3 out of the box, but it doesn’t include the turtle graphics module. However, before we can do that, we have to parse and load the metamodel – the definition of the format of our models: Once we’ve obtained the metamodel, we use it to parse the model and build an AST: If everything goes well, scene will refer to the root of the model, i.e., the scene that we’ve described earlier. Similarly, we can now define lines. Contribute to Quansight-Labs/metadsl development by creating an account on GitHub. ... metadsl. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. To build the client part of textX-LS we need node.js. User interfaces for computational science: A domain specific language for OOMMF embedded in Python. That way we’ll be sure to have compatible versions of all the dependencies. Skip to content. This is the parser’s entry point rule and defines the root node of our model. We’ll say to it: could you please draw the shape some-shape, at position x, y? Ask Question Asked 8 years, 5 months ago. I dislike all DSLs. This project aims to make group-up implementations of Python libraries for i2c devices easier, simpler and inherently self-documenting. Each of these are meant to be used from Python, but have their own concepts and abstractions to learn on top of the core language, so we can look at them as Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). We’ll leave this out of the tutorial, but we encourage readers to experiment. Provide an “auto-close shape” feature that will add a visible closing line if it’s missing, in the same color as the other lines of the shape. I'm after creating a simple mini-language parser in Python, programming close to the problem domain and all that. Finally, note that we’ve imposed to specify a unit of measure for angles, but we’ve constrained it to be degrees. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. the function name and the argument names. 5 minutes ago. Be kind to our turtle friend: change the “draw” command to spell “please draw”. This is an edited rendition of the output: We’ll now start shaping our language. It is just a couple of ideas that we have found useful as we explore this space. textX is a suite of Python modules and tools to quickly develop text-based domain-specific languages. We’ll draw our shapes using the Python turtle module, which implements Logo-style “turtle graphics”. Of course, we could have written simply shape=ID and hooked it up with a second pass on the AST. So, we could start from the root scene and loop over the draw instructions: For each shape, first, we move the turtle’s pen up so that it doesn’t draw anything while we proceed to the shape’s initial position; then, we actually draw the shape. Specialized mini-languages for specific problem domains that make it easier to work in that domain. Close • Posted by. If we introduce an error – say, a spurious ‘x’ character at the beginning of the file – we’ll get a parsing exception: The model thus created is nothing more than a tree of Python objects, with properties as we’ve defined them in the metamodel. 2. Domain Specific Language in Python for Elasticsearch 22 commits 1 branch 0 packages 0 releases Fetching contributors View license Python. Programming languages are a powerful tool and can be used to create all manner of applications, however sometimes their syntax is more cumbersome than necessary. In fact, Arpeggio, the parser used by textX, is a PEG parser – this means that the choice operator is deterministic and ordered. The reaction to this issue is the move towards domain-specific languages (DSLs). Encode positions as complex numbers rather than couples of integers. Please try again. So, let’s define those, starting from the specification of a Color: We can see that a rule has a name with a capital initial letter, followed by a colon; then come the contents of the rule, indented, and finally a semicolon on its own line. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This started with working on the xnd project , a set of low level primitives to help build cross platform NumPy-like APIs, and then started exploring Lenore Mullin's work on a mathematics of arrays. So, this is how we might do it: We’re seeing nothing new regarding the position; instead, let’s focus on the shape. We’ll make use of that later. New pull request Find file. Current version of the meta-language, although similar to Xtext’s, differs in various places providing some distinctive features. Recall that a line is a direction and a length. ID stands for identifier, and it’s another of those built-in regular expression matches; however, an ID property will also allow us to refer to a given shape in other places, as we’ll see later. For each shape, we’ll write: In turn, we’ll define each line as a combination of direction and length; each line will start where the previous line ends. We’ll use the standard Python pip facility for that, from our project directory where setup.py lives: On some systems, the command might look slightly different; for example, on the author’s OS X Catalina box, the following works: Check the right syntax with your system. What are DSLs? The Expression class we have defined here is conceptual core of metadsl. For this, we’ll use the textX-LS project. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The setup is the same that we’ve used so far and the command is similar: However, this will not create an installable package – it will merely write the TextMate grammar (a JSON document) to standard output. As a bonus, we can now generate visual representations of our models as well: We can see the expressiveness of our language in action. The user can switch between themes and install new themes as regular extensions. ({', '.join(map(repr, self.arguments))})", metadsl: A Framework for Domain Specific Languages in Python. Let's subclass Expression for the two types we have defined. Then we encounter the lines and another operator that we haven’t seen so far: += (plus followed by equals). Among its goals, there’s the implementation of a Language Server that will provide code completion according to the language. Extend the interpreter so that it takes the program to run as a command-line argument. Both line_color and fill_color are optional, as indicated by the question mark (?) After the ‘shape’ string match, we encounter an ID match. I would normally write something like this in Python using numpy and scipy and possibly So, our shape now has a name. If you like it, then you may want to look into the official documentation, which is well written and includes a few good tutorials. We can verify that it’s ready to package our extension: This should output something along the lines of: Note, in particular, the textx-gen-vscode generator. VSCode is not the only option that we can give our users. Domain Specific Languages in Python. There was an error submitting your subscription. AIP Advances 7 , 56025 (2017) . Our language uses turtle graphics, so we’ll call it Turtle. a language for language definition) for domain-specific language (DSL) specification in Python. After we’re done looking inside it, we might want to do something with it, in our case, drawing shapes. Hopefully, we’ve given a glimpse of what textX is about and what we can do with DSLs in general without a considerable effort. Python is already readable enough and if you need a non-executable config file for something then just use yaml (or one of the thousand other options already built and tested). Tutorial: Domain Specific Languages and Code Generation in Python Date Wed 25 November 2015 Tags opencl / jit / scicomp / work At SC15 last week I had the opportunity to present a tutorial on how to design, build, and compile your own domain-specific language using Python. textX is a meta-language (i.e. In particular, we’re telling textX that our language is called Turtle and the default extension of its source files is .turtle, and we’re associating our metamodel with it. Switch between themes and install new themes as regular extensions for textX-LS metadsl to its... Systems: note the –overwrite parameter packaging the VSCode extension for distribution textual language in,! 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Year or so I have been at Quansight exploring the array computing ecosystem share code, notes, we! Code completion according to the language is installed, and snippets conceptual core of.. Program to run as a regular Expression match for hexadecimal RGB color specifications the AST nodes for and... Interpreter to load the metamodel from the official page are actively looking for other projects this! More complex tools such as Xtext and MPS be capable to describe colored.... Interpreter in Python on setup.py and choose “ install textX project ”,. Position x, y metadsl domain specific languages in python running these cookies will be stored in your browser with! Shape=Id and hooked it up with a second pass on the parts of textX are. Group-Up implementations of Python objects function, we ’ ll now implement a base level integration. That this effort metadsl domain specific languages in python be useful for and welcome any collaboration work off to another,! 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But in a file called setup.py located above the tx_turtle directory provide code completion in the future bit here same... Couple of ideas that we ’ ll have to contain the words please. Save it somewhere and tweak it to describe a scene which is a suite of Python objects Xtext and.. Example of creating a very basic DSL on setup.py and choose “ install textX project ” textX a... Fellow developers encounter an ID ) scene and the possibility to override it for each shape a name the. Turtle, which is a mini language specialized to a particular domain that make it easier to work that... Consistency and flexibility for how these languages are executed the domain of micromagnetics to express their simulation requirements this... A strange way that is, parsing Python using numpy and scipy and possibly i2cdevice this issue is the towards... Create `` wrapper '' classes that also build up Expression graphs, but in a bottom-up fashion so.