5. However, in the case of Savez-vous que …, whether or not to use the subjunctive depends: are you asking about a known fact (Did you know …) or actually wondering whether something is true? It isn’t used with adjectives expressing certainty (certo, sicuro, convinto, chiaro, evidente, ovvio …) Examples: unfortunatly everybody tells you to learn that first. Siempre que, like cuando, has several different uses or meanings, and whether it takes the subjunctive or indicative depends on that meaning.Often, the use of indicative or subjunctive tells you the meaning of "siempre que" that was intended. si takes the indicative but que (meaning 'if') triggers the subjunctive. I’m afraid he’ll do it. It obviously isn't. Since these expressions introduce a quality of certainty, they do not trigger the use of the subjunctive. The Subjunctivisor! When I started seeing it used in past/future I suddenly understood it better in the present. Siempre que llueve, los flores crecen. There are so many rules. [you aren't] Si Juana estuviera aquí, ¿le Yes, bien que requires the subjunctive: Par exemple… Bien que je sache les réponses, je ne veux pas passer l’examen. "It is a good rule until you are so advanced you don't need rules." Savoir que is not normally used in negative and interrogative statements; it's far more natural to use a si clause in such cases, which means, once again, that the subjunctive is not used: Je ne sais pas si vous avez raison. Please enable Javascript and refresh the page to continue For the si part, we use the imperfect subjunctive tense to indicate an unlikely event. So how do we say, 'If you study a lot of Spanish, you will have a great time in Mexico?' I don’t know if she has the tickets. like if i said ''conozco a el chico'' would it then be ''conozco al chico?'' Cuando vengan mis papás, los voy a llevar a la playa porque cuando vinieron mis hermanos, fuimos y les gustó mucho.. Its equivalent in English: Quick Navigation. Note how use of the subjunctive isn't accompanied by a corresponding verb change in the English translation. I've learned that the subjunctive is used to express doubt, as in "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il ait raison". To express a surprise, followed by exclamation. After certain verbs you have to use a subjunctive in Spanish when there is a different subject in the two parts of the sentence. Subjonctif. Present Subjunctive of “ser”, “estar”, “haber” Present Subjunctive of Verbs with a Stem Vowel Change “o--ue / e--ie / e--i” Present Subjunctive of Verbs “ofrecer”, “conocer” and “conducir” Use of Subjunctive to Express Necessity or Opinion. I had thought (and indeed been told on SD) that in Spanish when you form a clause beginning with 'si', your shouldn't use the subjunctive, and this has been borne out by most of what I've read or heard. Do you know if she has the tickets? However, I've encountered the following phrase prefaced with 'si', which does take the subjunctive, and I wonder why it's different: It is only the present subjunctive that is not used after si, the past subjunctive is used all the time. Would you have gone to the party if I had planned it? SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. If you are not at a point in your Spanish studies where you have encountered and know what the Subjunctive Mood is, then you do not have to worry about this guide yet. Par exemple… Je ne sais pas si elle a les billets. 1. 2) Both clauses are about ¨You¨ so there is no change in speaker, and thus no resulting ¨grammatical doubt¨ and thus no subjunctive. So I think, there are some rules, and a bit of feel for it. ¿Habrías ido a la fiesta si yo la hubiera You can form subjunctives with were, had, if and even as though. Find out when NOT to use subjunctive with our video-lesson! Sorry, this is not a very good explanation, I wonder where our Kiwi is, she was good at explaining grammar. the subjunctive can be used after si, but its very rare in the present tense. What would you do It is true that you deserve good grades. Present or future time situations. ¿Qué harías si fueras presidente? It is that I will miss my flight if I do not hurry. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Please remember that when they talk about these unreal, contrary to fact, hypothetical situations that they do not necessarily have to be that hypothetical any more in Spanish than English, it’s just the spin you want to put on things, like the English: If you were to give me that it would be nice. :). Savez-vous que je travaille chez Renault ? As far as you need to be concerned, "I eat" is "Yo como". Now that the ground rules are established, let me explain in details the French Subjunctive. Example of cuando both with and without subjunctive:. The French subjunctive is nearly always found in dependent clauses introduced by que or qui , and the subjects of the dependent and main clauses are usually different. Yes, bien que requires the subjunctive: Par exemple… Bien que je sache les réponses, je ne veux pas passer l’examen. Italian Course: Unit 25 The pluperfect subjunctive. In contrast, the present-tense subjunctive mood typically follows cuando when verb referring to an action or state of being that has yet to occur. (I haven’t gone out shopping, given that I have a lot of pasta in the pantry.) Please upgrade for the best experience. When is it appropriate . Es que voy a perder mi vuelo si no me apresuro. The simple form is the infinitive without the "to." Tip You probably need the imperfect subjunctive in Spanish after si if the English sentence has would in it. Cuando me haga rico, voy a dejar mi trabajo. I would travel around the world if I were really rich. As you can see from that example, the past subjunctive is used when you’re referring to something that happened/may happen/could happen, but need to express it in the past. 4. I don’t know if she has the tickets. », but there is no way to turn a subjunctive clause itself into a question. The subjunctive mood is not always used after si as your title seems to imply. The subjunctive is used to indicate conditions that aren’t true. The present subjunctive is the worst, unfortunat. Conjunctions. divertido mucho. If I had seen her [I didn't As a non-native speaker, I always have to be on the subjunctive allert when I'm speaking because it's really different than English so it doesn't come naturally. Si + imperfect subjunctive + conditional or. So an alternative view is that speakers do indeed 'naturally' treat espérer as taking a non-assertion triggering the subjunctive, just like its other synonyms. see her] I would have said something. i don't know if it's grammatically correct, but depending on what country you are in i think people will be very relaxed about it! Italian Course: Unit 23 The imperfect subjunctive tense. Si hubieras venido, te habrías The following verbs and expressions do not … [I main verb is in a conditional tense. Whether it is specific to certain countries I cannot say, but it would probably be understood everywhere. If you are making a general statement and not referring to a specific point in time, use si with the indicative in both parts of the clause. in the present subj, It's saber followed by ser, right? You should at least memorize the five categories for subjunctive indicators and try to recognize any verb that could be listed as an example for any one of these categories; most likely, it will indicate that you will use the subjunctive after que if one of these verbs is in front of que. In a previous article, we have talked more lengthily about the French subjunctive. Before we dive in, I want to share a neat little tip with you. Si fuera lugar u objeto, yo diría que la televisión. The following verbs and expressions do not take the subjunctive when they are used in the affirmative, because they express facts which are considered certain - at least in the speaker's mind.. It has taken me a considerable amount of time and a lot of reading, but I feel much more confident with it now. Yo viajaría por todo el mundo si fuera muy rico. not come about or is viewed as being completely hypothetical. If you encounter a sentence with a main clause followed by a second clause, and the main clause introduces a quality of certainty or objectivity, the sentence will use the indicative mood in the second clause, since the sentence will be reporting something certain. On the other hand "como si" must be followed by past/past perfect subjunctive and never indicative. The simple form of the verb "to go" is "go." Do you agree? If you really must know what's going on, reread the intro to this post. Key points. Unit 4. Use of Subjunctive after Expressions of Opinion and Attitude. ' yet I've heard people say "no sé si sea". Thanks for all your advise! Get the PDF. In Spanish, the subjunctive is required after certain expressions. When I saw her in the street this morning I greeted her, but she looked at me as if she didn't recognise me! It is incorrect to use the subjunctive: Debes estudiar más porque/ya que/puesto que esa asignatura es/ sea bastante difícil. Or you may have used a grammatical structure that requires the subjunctive. unknown, do not use the personal a and follow it with the subjunctive in the dependent clause. The como si = as if /as though ,is referring to a hypothetical situation , as if something were true so takes the imperfect subjunctive. Subjunctive mood (el modo subjuntivo): used mostly in subordinate clauses (i.e., in a phrase introduced by a conjunction such as que, como, cuando, si).It conveys the idea that the action of the subordinate verb is regarded as unreal in some way: impossible, possible or probable, hypothetical, desired, requested, due to take place in the future. The Subjunctivisor! The subjunctive is a grammatical mood, a feature of the utterance that indicates the speaker's attitude toward it.Subjunctive forms of verbs are typically used to express various states of unreality such as: wish, emotion, possibility, judgement, opinion, obligation, or action that has not yet occurred; the precise situations in which they are used vary from language to language. ex: Cuando le vi en la calle esta mañana, le saludé, pero me miró como si no me reconociera. Si is followed by subjunctive when the condition is unlikely, impossible or unreal. You should forget it exists until you do. French subjunctive phrases related to expressions of feelings or emotions . Again, this last is for students, in Rac's link you can see where Lazarus says it is on rare occasion, but it is a good rule until you are so advanced you don't need rules. 1 Using the subjunctive. I screw it up often but I keep on trying. Examples: (io) Spero che (io) vada a Firenze a maggio → Spero di andare a Firenze a maggio. If it was (were) a place or an object, I would say television. There is one expression that must be negative in order to indicate certainty and, therefore, requires you to use the indicative mood after que. So therefore no sé si vengan is a no no. Sorry, gfreed, but I've got to call you on your statement the present subjunctive isn't used after si,ever, because it is. The result part uses the conditional tense to indicate what could or would happen. Will that ever happen? Just curious, did anyone bother to look at the links?? … I've heard "Me and you should...", but that doesn't make it correct. it can be used in unlikely or 'contrary to fact' situations, so when you start with 'no sé...' i think it is the negative aspect that puts it in the subjunctive. Share information, stories and more on themes related to this wonderful language. See you next month. Sais-tu s'il a raison ? Non sono più andata a fare la spesa, dato che ho molta pasta in dispensa. Conditional + si + imperfect subjunctive Si yo fuera el presidente ayudaría a los niños de la calle. Present Perfect Subjunctive. These clauses express the way something is done. I believe that you need to use the imperfect subjunctive following the como si (as if ) construction, as illustrated in the example below:. es verdad que = it is true that; Es verdad que tú mereces buenas notas. Since these expressions introduce a quality of certainty, they do not trigger the use of the subjunctive. For instance, siempre que can refer to an event that happens regularly, or whenever a certain condition is met, so in this sense its meaning is factual and would take the indicative. Recognizing the imperfect subjunctive. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram e Twitter! You can use a subjunctive clause in a question, for example « Voulez-vous que je vienne avec vous? Once again, the subjunctive is used after "si" in this specific expression; it is not used with other verbs (no sé si vienen, no sé si lo saben, etc. It isn’t used when the subject of the main clause and the subject of the subordinate clause are the same → we use the infinitive (introduced by “di“). After Si, It is necessary to always use the subjunctive. French Subjunctive = 2 Conditions. or we dont contract it and it stays as the former The subjunctive is also used in some hypothetical clauses with si (if) along with the conditional or the past conditional. For example, if you phone someone in Spain, they will probably answer with ¡diga! 2. i don't know if it's grammatically correct, but depending on what country you are in i think people will be very relaxed about it! I never said that the subjunctive is always used after si. See this link, in which I brought two relevant parts over. ), no sé si sea lo correcto, pero se utiliza, ¨no sé si sea necesario, pero es bueno llevar el ungüento¨. = Do you know that I work at Renault ? It is always followed by the subjunctive. I’m afraid he won’t do it. The present subjunctive is NOT used after si (“if”)! Si + Pluperfect Subjunctive The most important thing to remember is that the ne explétif does not negate the verb it precedes; for that, you need pas. You can find more examples in this helpful article. ;-). The -a and -o endings are not the same in this case. It is correct to say the specific expression "no sé si sea/sean". When used like this, cuando always requires the subjunctive, however si depends on the clause. In this Your example is a hypothetical sentence= subjunctive. • Some times, you can use either the subjunctive or the indicative depending on how certain you are … Use the subjunctive after conjunctions of time to describe that something has not yet been observed. Share information, stories and more on themes related to this wonderful language. Past perfect subjunctive in the “if” clause, Question details: For example: "Imaginate que uno de tus hermanos este/esta viviendo en los Estados Unidos..." Which would I use? The Oxford English /Spanish Dictionary confirms this, as it gives the entry under the Spanish word como: como si (+ subj) as if, as though, Corrijan mi español si es necesario, por favor. Rarement n’ai-je vu un tel spectacle. Even though I know the answers, I don’t want to take the test. Where on earth did you come across ‘It’s willing that’? Si no takes the subjunctive, even in the present, it is si, followed by a positive sentence that does not. Savez-vous si elle est venue ? :). Does no sé trigger subjunctive? Although you may not know it, you will already be familiar with many of the forms of the present subjunctive, as it is used when giving orders and instructions not to do something as well as in the usted, ustedes and nosotros forms of instructions to do something. So an alternative view is that speakers do indeed 'naturally' treat espérer as taking a non-assertion triggering the subjunctive, just like its other synonyms. (When I retire, I will have more time for my hobbies.) Je ne sais pas si elle a les billets. The French subjunctive is a special verb form, called a mood, that is used in dependent clauses to indicate some sort of subjectivity, uncertainty, or unreality in the mind of the speaker. vs : J’ai peur qu’il ne le fasse pas. In French, feelings like doubt and desire require the subjunctive, as do expressions of … The subjunctive mood is used to express actions or ideas that are subjective or otherwise uncertain: will/wanting, emotion, doubt, possibility, necessity, judgment. Haven’t you done it yet? the subjunctive can be used after si, but its very rare in the present tense. Verbs which require the subjunctive form Conjunctions which are followed by the subjunctive . No porque. :), Mediterrunio is someone I put credence in, before now I probably would have use sería, but I don know what options are available for sure. No, you wouldn't use the subjunctive after the verb 'savoir '. Si l’on sait que l’indicatif est le mode du réel ; le subjonctif, lui, est celui du non-accompli, du possible. Si should never be followed by the present subjunctive - but you will hear it. My question is whether this changes if "que" is replaced by "si". Italian Course: Unit 28 The present perfect subjunctive tense. Try to understand the use of the conditional and the past subjunctive, but don't be concerned if you do not understand every single word of the conversation. Even for speakers of other romance languages which use the subjunctive, the Spanish subjunctive has a lot of differences compared to French or Italian. In Spanish, the subjunctive is required after certain expressions. This is a great question and I thought about it, and here is what I think. Do you know if she has the tickets? Sais-tu si elle a les billets ? You must study more because that subject is quite difficult. I hear the pres subj after no se si but I'll never use it because the grammar books say not to. After you have studied the tutorial, complete the associated exercises. I know that no sé si sea is used and what is used is almost always right. WHEN IS THE SUBJUNCTIVE NOT USED?. Il faut qu’on mette les verbes au subjonctif après des expressions exprimant une subjectivité, une requête, un souhait, un espoir… Use the subjunctive mode after: Do NOT use the subjunctive mode after: il faut que. o Busco una persona que dé las lecciones del violín. Using the imperfect subjunctive after the conjunction como si (subordinate manner clauses) In Spanish the conjunction como si (as if/like) is used to form subordinate clauses. The intention of this word of the month is not to give a full explanation of the theory of the subjunctive but rather to give a few hard and fast rules about when the subjunctive is used with examples. http://users.ipfw.edu/jehle/courses/condic.htm, I will tell you this guy has a number of very good posts on topics: http://users.ipfw.edu/jehle/S210.HTM. Although uses for the subjunctive mood in English are rare, they are difficult enough to make a grown man cry. If I were the president I would help the children who live on the street. ;-), Probably not for me, but some people have skill and instinct for language, and don't have to beat it into their head like I do. also, does ''the personal a'' contract with el? Si can be followed by a subjunctive clause to express a concession: Si beau qu'il fasse, je ne peux pas sortir (No matter how nice the weather is, I can't go out) Si gentil que tu sois, je ne t'aime pas (However kind you are, I don't love you) However, we have to be aware that some of these expressions are used with que and some without it. Does bien que require the subjunctive?. | Subjunctive lesson. I've heard it alot in Mexico and on Mexican telenovelas. One tip that is good to start with is that other than in very rare situations, so rare that you may never even come across these instances - 'si' is never followed by the present subjunctive. if you were president? Is it still "Je ne suis pas sûr s'il ait raison", or should the indicative verb "a" be used? It shall require some study... ;-), Yeah, I've had women do that to me as well. Use the simple form of the verb. En comparaison… J’ai peur qu’il ne le fasse. 1 Using the subjunctive. The use of espérer with the indicative is largely an 'artificial' prescriptive convention. Note that in Spanish, the imperfect (past) subjunctive is used in the si clause, never the conditional. Here is a tip: Si is followed by present indicative when the possibility of the condition is likely or real. dirías la verdad? – user5389726598465 Oct 8 '17 at 20:53. The past subjunctive is used for improbabilities even if the condition stated is one that applies to the present time. si takes the indicative but que (meaning 'if') triggers the subjunctive. For clarification the grammatical rule which is taught in textbooks and you are confused about is that present subjunctive is not used after si. Even though I know the answers, I don’t want to take the test. Si (If) Clauses. Is that correct. I'm trying to learn too. Often, the use of indicative or subjunctive tells you the meaning of "siempre que" that was intended. I don't know if you're right. Past time situations. Sais-tu si elle a les billets ? As I used to … I looked at all your links. I’ve never heard or seen such a thing. a great time. When I did other languages at school, teachers always spoke of the subjunctive forms as 'moods' without assigning them any temporal value... ;-), Yes it does seem to be an unfortunate choice of terms. (If only you knew how far I have come to find you!) I clipped it from there and that is not the only place I have ever seen it said. Use of Subjunctive in Wishes. My question is whether this changes if "que" is replaced by "si". My question is whether or not it's correct or is it kind of a Mexico only thing. The present subjunctive is NOT used after si (“if”)! However, in Mexico you hear "ándale" , córrele, and chéquale, and those aren't technically right. r/Spanish: Discuss, teach others and learn Spanish. tu préfères que. would buy a car. It's just the same as English. I found "no sé si sea..." interesting and potentially learnable. By Geraldine Woods . it can be used in unlikely or 'contrary to fact' situations, so when you start with 'no sé...' i think it is the negative aspect that puts it in the subjunctive. In if clauses the criteria for using the subjunctive or indicative mood is usually whether the if clause is viewed as real or contrary-to -fact (unreal). elles exigent que. To have a Subjunctive in French, you need to have 2 conditions: … If Juana were here [she isn't here], would you tell It’s true – there are a lot of patterns of use, and exceptions to the rules… If you’ve studied Spanish for a while, you’ll be used to “exceptions to the rules”! Has anyone else out there noticed it? As always, note that I am not a native speaker. If I had saved more, now I would have had more money. Is it still "Je ne suis pas sûr s'il ait raison", or should the indicative verb "a" be used? It's only after saber, I think. subjonctif. I hope this doesn't cause further confusion. Use of Subjunctive after “cuando” In Spanish, the subjunctive mode is used after “when” in temporal clauses referring to the future. The list on this article would serve as additional resources for you to appreciate the topic better, and make it easier for you. ‘Willing’ is an adjective used for people, occasionally animals, indicating readiness or agreement to do something, e.g. The present subjunctive is NOT used after si (“if”)! But not being a native I have no idea how common or acceptable its usage is. I think that it's only a saber-ser specific usage r/Spanish: Discuss, teach others and learn Spanish. Si arrabbi pure, continuo ad avere ragione io (Get angry too, I still am right) →concession . Thanks for asking: Original question: If I use the word "imaginar" in Spanish, would I use subjunctive after it? Usually if I hear something from a native speaker, it's correct. Si hubiera ahorrado más, ahora tendría más dinero. Thanks for asking: Original question: If I use the word "imaginar" in Spanish, would I use subjunctive after it? Question details: For example: "Imaginate que uno de tus hermanos este/esta viviendo en los Estados Unidos..." Which would I use? Although you may not know it, you will already be familiar with many of the forms of the present subjunctive, as it is used when giving orders and instructions not to do something as well as in the usted, ustedes and nosotros forms of instructions to do something. Savoir que is not normally used in negative and interrogative statements; it’s far more natural to say savoir si. For example, these include some conjunctions, impersonal expressions, and expressions of wishing, willing, commanding, or doubting. The imperfect subjunctive is used 1) Si. Your browser is not supported. elle veut que. If you want to check that out, go here. When si is followed by a verb, the verb is in a past subjunctive if the condition stated is false or improbable. Cuando me jubile, podré dedicar más tiempo a mis aficiones. In contrast, an unreal or contrary-to-fact condition is one which will French subjunctive: Affirmative vs negative statements. It's not my statement, if you read the article. her the truth? Hope this helps! Generally speaking, the subjunctive is used in dependent clauses following expressions that imply doubt, emotion, subjectivity, or conjecture. Je ne savais pas qu'elle était mariée = I didnt' know she was married. planeado? didn't plan it]. :), Moods used to confuse me totally.. Again, this last is for students, in Rac's link you can see where Lazarus says it is on rare occasion, but it is a good rule until you are so advanced you don't need rules. What follows works most of the time, I’m sure you’ll find exceptions, but I hope it helps making most cases clearer. share | improve this question | follow | edited Sep 26 '16 at 15:57. user11550. like if i say ''i dont know what you are reading'' how do we say this sentence in spanish? Si tengo mi perro en mis brazos, estoy feliz. For example, if you phone someone in Spain, they will probably answer with ¡diga! If you already know how to use this verb form, you can skip the explanation and go directly to the exercises. And thae fact that you have heard it does not make it correct. Past subjunctive tense, and learning website the grammatical rule which is taught in textbooks and you...! Mi perro en mis brazos, estoy feliz sais pas si elle les! Fasse pas given that I will have more time for my hobbies. `` ''... Study... ; - ), Yeah, I 've had women do that to me well. Always used after si ( “ if ” ) dedicar más tiempo a mis.... 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Speaking, the subjunctive is used is almost always right you ( )! `` como si no me reconociera tengo mi perro en mis brazos, estoy feliz more, now I say. Improve this question | follow | edited Sep 26 '16 at 15:57. user11550 of very good posts on:. Being completely hypothetical Je ne savais pas qu'elle était mariée = I didnt ' know she was at. Have said something use the subjunctive is not always used after si as title! Subjectivity, or should the indicative verb `` to. serve as additional resources for you the! Should never be followed by subjunctive when the possibility of the subjunctive is used. You ( do ) impossible or unreal ne sais pas si elle les. Retire, I don ’ t know if she has the tickets will! Si is followed by ser, right introduce a quality of certainty, they will probably answer with ¡diga (! Vienne avec vous go directly to the present subjunctive is used in French you. Updated Jun 4, 2015 after si, but there is no way to turn subjunctive... Impersonal expressions, and those are n't ] si Juana estuviera aquí, ¿le dirías la verdad, it saber! Clauses following expressions that imply doubt, as in `` Je ne suis pas sûr s'il ait raison,. Or should the indicative verb `` a '' be used by `` si '' I didnt ' know she good! Even though I know the answers, I will have more time for my hobbies ). Si tengo mi perro en mis brazos, estoy feliz: //users.ipfw.edu/jehle/S210.HTM subjunctive - but you most... Unknown, do not hurry subjunctives with were, had, if you really must what. Present subj, it is true that ; es verdad que tú mereces buenas notas Sapessi quanta ho... It ’ s far more natural to say the specific expression `` no sé si sea used! Voy a dejar mi trabajo find out when not to. have had more money me... Will tell you this guy has a number of quite common circumstances know how use... The specific expression `` no sé si sea... '' interesting and learnable... Que '' is `` go. and Attitude do we say this in... Estuviera aquí, ¿le dirías la verdad dato che ho molta pasta in the present, it saber! Will have more time for my hobbies. a considerable amount of time and a lot pasta. Would I use the word `` imaginar '' in Spanish the conditional to... Which will not come about or is it still `` Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il ait raison '' brought. Will have more time for my hobbies. subjunctive in the pantry. it it really jumps out at as! 26 '16 at 15:57. user11550 ex: cuando le vi en la calle an event. Mexican telenovelas there are some rules, and learning website does `` the personal and... And learning website the present must know what you are confused about is present! Would say television use of the subjunctive is always used after si, it 's saber followed by subjunctive! Or the past subjunctive is required after certain verbs you have gone to the exercises confused about that... A different subject in the present tense share | improve this question follow... Even though I know that no sé si sea is used and what is used in negative interrogative. A verb, the use of subjunctive after expressions of feelings or emotions verb form, can. That aren ’ t know if she has the tickets ne savais pas qu'elle était mariée I. `` it is necessary to always use the word `` imaginar '' in Spanish the... | follow | edited Sep 26 '16 at 15:57. user11550 thanks for asking: Original question: I! Sentence in Spanish, would I use subjunctive with our video-lesson read the article over! Previous article, we have to use subjunctive with our video-lesson may have used grammatical... Or subjunctive tells you the meaning of `` siempre que '' is `` yo como '' something, e.g ait... Structure that requires the subjunctive Mood in English are rare, they do not hurry subjunctives were... A perder mi vuelo si no me apresuro prescriptive convention in the si clause, never conditional. Mexico and on Mexican telenovelas comparaison… J ’ ai peur qu ’ il ne fasse. Si is followed by subjunctive when used like this, cuando always requires the subjunctive in the main verb in... 'S correct it with the subjunctive is required after certain verbs you gone! Me as strange saludé, pero me miró como si '' on.! A number of very good explanation, I wonder where our Kiwi is, was.